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Banxia didn't like this feeling of being pulled by his heartbeat. It gave him the illusion that he was bound to the black dragon's life, as if as long as the other person's heartbeat stopped, he would die.

Closing his eyes, Banxia took a deep breath and began to recall the alliance's star map in his mind.

He cannot precisely control his heartbeat, but he can affect the speed of his heartbeat through the imagination of the pictures in his mind and the arousal of his emotions.

Under such deliberate relaxation, Banxia heard her heartbeat gradually become slower, gradually deviating from the heartbeat of the black dragon.

The jungle is silent, and you can fall asleep listening to your own heartbeat.


Ban Xia found herself doing some kind of exercise.

He held a man in his arms. The man was pressed on the grass by him, his eyes were closed, and his long black hair spread out behind the man.

This is his mate.

Such a thought arose in Banxia's mind. Although he had no memory of the man, he was convinced of it.

There was a rustling sound coming from behind, like some kind of large reptile crawling across the grass.

Banxia hugged the person in her arms tighter and looked behind her with some vigilance.

He saw two long tails entangled together.

One long tail is completely black, with a glass luster, like fine obsidian; the other long tail is pink-purple, like a rare pink diamond, romantic and dreamy.

Seeing them, Banxia didn't have any panic in his heart, because those were his and his partner's tails.

Banxia moved her tail with interest, and then heard a painful groan from the man in her arms.

"I hurt you." Banxia raised her hand and touched the face of the person in her arms. There was no doubt in her voice, as if she was just calmly recounting a fact.

Banxia was actually a little excited. It was a very strange feeling. He even wanted to make the other person feel more pain. It was best to sob and cry.

The "man's" closed eyes trembled slightly, then opened suddenly the next moment.

The "man" has a pair of golden vertical pupils that have no resemblance to human beings. There is a bit of confusion in those vertical pupils. It does not look like the eyes of a "man" who is doing a sport, but rather like someone who has just returned from sleep. Wake up with a start.

The "man" who had just woken up saw the "person" holding him, and the confusion in his eyes turned into surprise in an instant.

It was the purest joy, like a child seeing candy or a cat seeing a butterfly.

So the next moment, the "man" came forward, opened his mouth, stretched out his soft tongue, and licked Banxia's face.


The "man" licked, and a low and pleasant roar came out of his throat.

Banxia's body became stiff, and he stretched out his hand to push the "man" away.

The "man's" licking made him think of something not so good, but their tails were still entangled together, and Banxia's rejection only made the other party wrap around him tighter.

Unable to break away, Banxia's pupils gradually dilated under the "man's" excited licking, and everything in his field of vision was suddenly covered by boundless white light.

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