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It was a cold, chilly night. The streets were almost empty by that time as it was already 11:30pm.
The restaurants and the medication shops which promise to work 24/7 were still open, so there was no need to worry about anything.

Jungkook. The young man who was walking down the streets with tears in his eyes was getting faster with every step he took.
His mind was completely blank at the moment and was only trying to forget everything that happened a few hours back.

Anger, sorrow, heaviness or happiness, he was not able to figure out what was he actually feeling.

One thing for sure was he figured out that what has happened cannot be changed. He will have to accept the reality.

He was looking on the ground while crossing the road, a debate going on in his mind and tears filling his eyes. And then, as expected, he almost got hit by a car that didn't even Honk at him.
The car stopped infront of him when he backed off. He looked at the car, it was a black Mercedes, his favourite model.

The interior was not visible as it was protected by black window tint.

He stood infront of the car, hoping for someone to come out and apologise.
And a man did come out from the backseat. He was wearing a black suit with a white shirt and a black tie inside.

Jungkook looked at the man and figured that he was probably older than him.

"I'm so sorry. You came on the way so suddenly that my driver didn't see you and stop before. I hope you're not hurt."
The man bowed down and apologised.

Jungkook sighed, he got the apology that the wanted. He rolled his eyes and started walking on the zebra crossing, ignoring the older guy.

" Excuse Me." He heard the man say.
Jungkook stopped and looked back at the man.

"Did you forgive me?" The man said as he came closer to him.

"Yes." Jungkook replied. "Now go away."

His eyes were still glistening with tears and this didn't go unnotinced by the other guy.

"OH MY GOD!" He said worriedly, "Are you crying? Are you hurt anywhere? I'm SO sorry. I'll take you to the hosp-" "GO AWAY! STOP!" Jungkook shouted in a harsh tone when the man started touching him to check any bruise on his body.
The other guy was shocked at the sudden action, that he backed off. "I'm sorry. I was just tryna help."
Jungkook sighed again and left the place.

The other man stood there, watching him leave.

"Mr. Kim!" He heard his driver shout from the car, head peeking out of the opened window. "It's getting late. It's not safe to stay out for long."

The man in black suit got near his car and sat inside. "Listen Mr. Lee." He said. The driver looked at him through the rear view mirror. "Take me to that guy. Follow him before he leaves this area."

"But, sir, It's already late.. You promised to have dinner with your father-"
"I already told him to eat food earlier. Don't worry much. Follow him."

And how could the driver deny this orders? "As you say." It took him exact 4 minutes to find Jungkook.
The boy was still walking on the footpath while looking at the ground.

The 'Kim' guy got off of the vehicle and walked straight towards him.

He stood infront of him and then could see the wet cheeks of the boy when he faced him.

Jungkook, who was already half angry, lost his full temper seeing the man again. "Are you fucking stalking me right now!?" He shouted.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to disturb you anyhow." The older guy spoke. "You were just, you know, crying so I just came to help you with whatever it is."

Jungkook took a deep breath and crossed his arms on his chest. "And how do you think you're going to help?"

"I don't know. You tell me the reason behind your crying first, then maybe I could help." He said simply.

"And why would you think that I'll tell my problems to a random stranger on the streets?" Jungkook said, biting his inner cheek.

"I see. Don't worry. It's ok if you don't wanna tell." Kim smiled. "Maybe a hug can help."

And then Jungkook got startled as he felt two soft hands wrapped around him and a body leaning against his.
He felt warm. He didn't move back, neither did he hug him back. He just stood there, like a statue while having a man wrapping his arms around him.

The said man rested his face on Jungkook's shoulder and gave him few rubs and so a little pat on the back.

"Everything will be fine. Whatever you're going through, it will be alright." He broke the hug and gave a wide smile to Jungkook.

"Did I help ?" The guy chuckled slightly.

Jungkook didn't know when and how his little nod Came. " "He murmured slightly again.

"No problem." The guy smiled again. "Good Night."

With these words, he was ready to leave. He went back to his car and then drove off. Jung Kook stood there, watching the car leave.

He was again having so many emotions in his mind, but these weren't the same as before. They were different from what he was feeling before meeting that guy.
The feeling of being in safe arms.
He was lost in his thoughts, And then realised what he was doing.

He shook his head to come back to reality and took the path to his apartment.

He shook his head to come back to reality and took the path to his apartment

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Hey. I hope you all liked this short chapter. This is gonna be my first ever Taekook fanfic. Its gonna be a lil silly.
Anyways. Hope you enjoyed.
Update soon. <3

Namjoon's new album releasing on24th may.!! LET'S STREAM HARD FOR HIM AND ALSO OUR TANNIES!!

See you soon!! Biee!!🎀

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