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"Hyung, I'm so sorry. I just talked to Jimin hyung for a few minutes." Jungkook said as he entered the office and saw Taehyung.

Taehyung stood up from his place and walked towards him.

"I'll not do it agai-"

Taehyung shushed him by placing a finger on his lips. God. He felt so many things after touching those pink lips.

He gulped and looked straight into Jungkook's eyes as he removed his finger.
"What was it?" He asked softly.

"Wh-what hyung?"

"What did you want to say earlier." Taehyung said and slightly moved forward.

"Wh-en?" Jungkook was on the verge of a heart fail if he kept seeing Taehyung from this close for longer.

"When you came earlier." Taehyung spoke. "What was it?"

"I-i told you hyung." Jungkook looked away nervously. "I came to inform you about the meeting."

"No you didn't." Taehyung threw back in a deep raspy voice.

"I swear."

"Hmm.." Taehyung turned his lips in a thin line and then spoke, "then what about all those peekings inside my office when I was with Harin?"

Jungkook felt embarrassed at the thought of him getting caught by his boss. "I- just wanted to...check if you were free so that I could come...Yes." He smiled awkwardly.

Taehyung sighed. "Are you sure?"

Jungkook nodded.

"Ok then." Taehyung moved back. "You can go I guess."

"Thank you." Jungkook said and moved back towards the door.

"Did you eat anything?" Taehyung asked making Jungkook pause on his way.

Jungkook turned back and shook his head slightly.

"Have you brought something to eat?"

"I was just going to eat from the canteen."

"Fine." Taehyung said and got back on his chair. "Canteen's on floor 3."

"I have the map."

Taehyung chuckled and nodded.

Jungkook left the place with quick steps and a turmoil.

He was now in the canteen with a plate in his hand and searching for a table.
He saw the same ginger haired Yoongi at the corner, eating his lunch alone.

"Good afternoon Yoongi sir." He smiled and walked towards Yoongi.

Yoongi looked up from his plate and greeted back.

"Can I sit here?" Jungkook asked as he looked at the empty chair on the other side of the table.


"Thank you, sir." He thanked him and took his seat.

"You can call me hyung." Yoongi said and took a bite of his noodles.

"Ok hyung." Jungkook smiled.

"So. Jungkook. How is your first day going?"

"Its pretty good." Jungkook took a bite of his own sandwich. "I am enjoying it."

"Good to hear that." Yoongi nodded. "How's working for Taehyung going? Is he throwing tantrums or giving orders?"

Jungkook gulped down the food from his throat and remembered the past few hours with Taehyung.
"No hyung. He is not throwing any tantrums. Neither does he orders around."

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