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Taehyung reached his house in ten minutes as he promised his father.

He entered the house and was startled to see three security men and few people sitting in the living room.
His father was sitting right next to his mother and just infront of them sat three other people whose backs were visible to him.

"Hey son." His father said as he stood up and so did the other people around him.

Taehyung walked towards his father and saw the three people. One lady probably in her 50's, a man in his 50's too and a girl who was young.

He bowed to them and then looked at his father.

"Meet them Taehyung." His father smiled. "This is Kim Ye-Jung. The CEO of the famous real estate company 'Kim estates' and a childhood friend of mine."

Tachyung bowed down to him and shook hands with the said man. "Nice to meet you." He said.

"Nice to meet you too Taehyung-shii." Kim Ye-Jung greeted back. "This is my wife Kim Sanha, and this is my daughter Ha-rin." He pointed at the young girl who was probably in her 20's.

Taehyung greeted both of them.

"Tae, you can go and change your clothes. We have something special to talk about." His mother said politely.

Talhyung nodded and he was confused as hell with whatever was happening. He left the living room and went to his room upstairs. He took out his phone, sat on the bed and dialed a number.

"Yoongi hyung. What's happening at my place?" He asked the said guy on phone.

"I don't know bro. They're there to talk about your marrige." Yoongi said through the phone.


"Yes. The girl named Kim Harin. Daughter of Kim Ye-Jung. They're there to fix yours and hers wedding."

"But hyung? I don't even know her. Neither do I like her." Taehyung said confused. "How can I marry her?"

"I don't know much about this thing." Yoongi spoke sleepily "Your dad is probably his friend and hence, they're here.


"Talk to them yourself, I can't help." Yoongi hung up.

Taehyung sighed and thought for a plan to save himself. He couldn't find any.

After bathing and changing, he went down, back to the place where everyone was sitting.

"He's here." His father spoke up and he sat right next to them.

" Son." His father said, all smilingly. "Kim Ha-rin is a law student. She's  currently doing her studies at the Seoul National University."
"That's so nice." Taehyung said looking at the girl and smiled.

The girl kept looking at her knees without moving a bit, a smile forming on her lips.

"Actually, dear. She has seen you alot of times in the news and TV and had been liking you for almost a year now."
Harin's mother spoke."We got to know this a few days back and since your father and my husband are good friends, we came to talk about you both's wedding."

"Oh. I am glad that you came." Taehyung nodded slightly.

"So. Do you both want to talk alone?" Her father asked.

Taehyung definitely didn't want this, but just for the sake of his father's happiness, he had to. Harin looked at Taehyung as if she was dying to talk to him in person.

"Sure he will." His father spoke. "Go son."

Taehyung sighed as they both left for the guest room.

There was an awkward silence between them for a solid minute.

"So." Taehyung broke the silence. Harin looked at him.
"I see. You've liked me for so long." "Yes." Ha-rin nodded shyly.

It was not a very long talk between them, they just got to know about each other's likes and dislikes.

The girl was not a bad choice for him. A topper in her university, good at speaking and confident. She was fine.

They came out of the room after about half an hour. Their families were happy to see them smiling. Harin took the seat next to her parents and Taehyung sat next to his father.

"So. Should we accept the proposal, son?" His father asked.

Taehyung wanted to deny, but how could he? It was for his father's happiness after all.

Taehyung looked at Harin who was curiously looking at him.

He sighed and kept a forced smile on his face, "Yes. Im ready to marry her." He nodded.

Both the families got wide smiles spread across their faces.

"That is so nice! We definitely need to have a celebration! Our children are getting married!!" His father screamed of happiness.

"So, when should we keep the wedding?" Ye-Jung asked.

"Next we-" Taehyung's mother tried to speak but was cut off by her son.

"After three months." He spoke

"But son. Why so late?" His father asked.

"Dad. We can get to know each other better in these three months right?"

"OK then!" Harin's father spoke."26th December will be fine. We will be having many guests at that time."

Both the families agreed on it.

"Let's have dinner now Ye Jung shii!" His father stated.


Taehyung didn't want to accept this marriage, of course. He wanted to be much more successful and marrying so suddenly was definitely not what he wanted.

He had to agree just for his father.
His father who was an old man and a cancer patient.

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