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"So. Mr. Min," Jimin spoke as he sat infront of Yoongi.. They were in Yoongi's office and Jimin was there to meet Jungkook, but he thought of visiting Yoongi.
"You don't trust me?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi sighed and continued working.

"Yoongi-shi!" Jimin spoke loudly.

Yoongi looked at him in suspicion.

"Why are you trying to ignore me?" Jimin pouted.

"Don't play with me Jimin." Yoongi threw. "Prove if you are really him."

Jimin chuckled, and looked to the other side as he started singing ."We promise to be together till the end, no matter who tries to pull us apart," He sang, "Looking at the moon, we will sit by the seashore and pray for our happiness."

Yoongi gulped and continued the lyrics, "Movies and parks, we will be together everywhere. Always."

Jimin smiled at him. "Do you trust me now?"

"Jimin!" Yoongi cried and threw his arms at him."

"I missed you." Jimin sniffled.

"And I missed you like hell."

"Woah hyung." Jungkook spoke to Jimin. Both of them were at the usual restaurant and Jimin was telling him the story of how, he and Yoongi have known each other since childhood.

"I never knew you were so close to Yoongi hyung."
Jimin nodded.


"Yoongi hyung!" Taehyung shouted excitedly.

Yoongi and him were in his office and Yoongi was telling the same story to him.

"You never told me you had a secret love story at the orphanage!" Yoongi smiled.

"Yoongay!!" Taehyung screamed.

"Yah! Kim Taehyung!"

"Sorry sorry. Tell me how you both separated?" Taehyung chuckled.

"As you know, I have been an orphan since birth." Yoongi continued. "Same was with Jimin." Taehyung listened carefully. "I was seven years old when your aunt adopted me and Jimin was five." He sighed, "this was how we separated. I came to Seoul and he stayed there."

"That's sad." Taehyung said."But everything's fine now. Fate wanted you both to be together."

"Maybe fate. Or we can say, our promise." Yoongi sighed. "Jimin had been a good painter since childhood. He promised me that he'll become a very successful painter before the age of 30. I promised him to be a healthy and a happy man when I grow. And also that we'll meet each other."

"You both are so cute." Taehyung cooed. "I'll cry."
"Stop with that fake crying." Yoongi chuckled.

"Does anyone at home know about you both?"

Yoongi shook his head. "My mom knows that I'm gay and she has no problem with that until and unless I'm happy." "And now you know it too."

Taehyung pouted. "Very bad hyung. You told me so late."
"Everything needs time to be revealed, Taehyung."

Taehyung nodded and sighed. "I'm so happy for you.

"Thankyou." Yoongi smiled, "Anyways. How was the first day with your secretary?"

Taehyung mustn't tell him what happened earlier. "It was fine, I guess."

Yoongi nodded. "What about the meeting with Lee?"

"Ah yes! Hyung," Taehyung continued, "The deal is done. Can you please book three aeroplane tickets for Italy?"

"Why 3?"

"One for me, one for Jungkook and the third for you."

"But Jungkook is new at work, will he manage?" Yoongi questioned.
"Of course hyung!"

Yoongi nodded. "Tell him to book hotel rooms. I'll not do everything."

"I will call him by tonight." Taehyung smiled. "Book the tickets for the flight taking off after three days." Yoongi nodded.

"I can cover up all the meetings in three days."

Jungkook was lying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking of the incident that happened between him and his boss.
He couldn't help but blush a little imagining the cherry lips of his boss coming closer to his.

His phone rang, he picked it up to see who it was. "Taehyung hyung? At this hour?" It was 10 at night so he was confused with why Taehyung called him so late.

He picked up the call.."Yes hyung?"
"Are you sleeping?" Taehyung asked from the other end.
Jungkook widened his eyes in suspicion and bit his lower lip."Wh-y hyung?"

Taehyung chuckled. "It's nothing much. I just wanted to inform you that you, me and Yoongi hyung will be leaving for Italy in three days."


"Yes. We have to check the land for the university and tell the workers about everything." Taehyung uttered.

"Oh. Ok fine hyung!" JungKook agreed in excitement.

"I had one favour to ask."

"Yes?" Jungkook gulped.

"Actually two favours." Jungkook listened carefully.
"First. You will have to book hotel rooms for the three of us. It should be near the site." Taehyung continued.
"Second, Send me the list all of all the meetings scheduled for this week. I'll tell yoongi hyung to arrange them in these three days."

"Hyung. We have 8 meetings scheduled this week. How can you-"

"It's fine Jungkook-ah. I'll manage."

"Ok hyung." Jungkook nodded in his bedroom. He then remembered about Jimin and Yoongi's relationship. "Hyung! Did you get to know about Jimin hyung's and Yoongi hyung's relationship?" He hit his head thinking he shouldn't have asked.

"Of course." Taehyung smiled. "They are so cute together.".
Jungkook nodded slightly "Hmm.."
"Ok hyung..I'll go to sleep now." He yawned.

"Send me the meeting list before sleeping." Taehyung chuckled. "Yes. Good night hyung. Bye."

"Bye Jungkook-shi. Good night. See you tomorrow." Jungkook hung up the call and Taehyung smiled at the little conversation they made.

Jungkook held his bedsheets tightly at the thought of visiting Italy. It will be his first time going abroad. And also his very first time sitting on a plane. He was very excited.

[The song Jimin and Yoongi were singing was written by them at the orphanage ]

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