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Jungkook woke up with a headache. He checked the time, It was 6 in the morning.

Hangovers probably last longer so he was confused with why he woke up so early.

He sighed and tried to remember last night.

"Fuck." He mumbled on his bed. "I got a dream of Taehyung hyung?" He looked around suspiciously. "It was so real." He rubbed his eyes.

It must be because of him getting the new job. He also remembered why he was drinking alot last night.
Jungkook stood up from his bed, stretching himself.

He got ready for his newjob.
It took him an hour to get dressed. He was finally standing infront of the mirror.

A full black suit with a white shirt inside was what he was wearing. "Pretty" He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror. Jungkook remembers buying that suit the previous day when he was hanging out with Jimin.

He left for work at 7 and booked a taxi to his new job.

The car was slow as hell. It took him 50 minutes to reach the place.

He was greeted by the receptionist and felt happy. Now, the new secretary for Taehyung was The Jeon Jungkook.
He smiled as he walked.


Taehyung reached the company at 9 in the morning. He greeted to every employ that he met as he walked towards the elevator.
The elevator reached the top floor and Taehyung was hesitant to come out.

He will have to face Jungkook.

He walked towards his office and saw Jungkook sitting on his table outside and looking at the computer screen.

For the last time, he checked his suit and walked towards him.

"He-Hello. Good morning Jungkook-shi."Jungkook looked at him and bowed, "Go-good morning hyung." He smiled.

"I hope you will enjoy your first day here."

"Yes,hyung. Yoongi sir already explained me everything."
Taehyung nodded. "That's nice."

"Hyung. You can tell me if you need anything." Jungkook said softly, "I have already taken a note of all the meetings you will have to attend this week, I'll try my best to cope up with everything. It's new for me so you-"
"Jungkook, Jungkook." Taehyung calmed him down. "You don't have to worry about any thing. I know you will do great." Jungkook gulped as he was embarrassed. He just nodded. Taehyung felt a little nervous as he talked to him.

"So.All the best I guess." He smiled. "Thank you." Jungkook nodded slightly.

Taehyung entered his office and Jungkook let out a deep breath.

For a while, they were focused on their work. Pretty much focused. Of course. Maybe one of them was not. Or maybe both of them weren't.

Jungkook took glances at his boss through the longitudinal glass window attached next to the door. He mainly wanted to see if Taehyung wanted something.
But Taehyung was busy working on some papers and his computer. This is what Jungkook saw.

The reality was that Taehyung was distracted too. He was feeling uneasy at the thought of the previous night.
He thought of asking Jungkook about it.

He must have the courage.

Taehyung pressed the button on the telephone "JungKook-shi." He said. "Could you come for a while."
"Sure hyung." Jungkook answered the call.
He nervously walked towards Taehyung's office and entered.

"Yes hyung?" He gathered his confidence.."Would you sit here?" Taehyung pointed at chair to his front.

Jungkook confusingly sat on the chair. "Ye-yes." Taehyung took a deep breath before speaking as he was continuously tapping his feet.


Taehyung gulped as he saw his secretary in slicked back hair and suit. He was looking handso- he shook his head.
"How do you feel?"He hitched. "I mean. Are you liking this work?"

JungKook nodded. "Yes hyung. Of course," he smiled widely.

"Good. I'm happy you're liking your work." Taehyung said and went silent.
There was an awkward silence between them which was now broken by Jungkook "Hyung." Taehyung looked at him quickly.
"Do you want anything?"

"Me? No no." Taehyung smiled embarrassingly. "Then?-"
Jungkook stuttered.

Taehyung nodded slightly and spoke, "Actually," "He gulped "I wanted to ask if anything happened yesterday."

"What?" Jungkook questioned, "A lot of things happened yesterday hyung." He smiled. "Many good ones and a few bad ones!" The smile turned into a frown.
"Would you tell me about the bad ones, if you don't mind?"

Jungkook was surprised to with the suddere statement. "Hyung...wh-why?"

Taehyung took a deep breath. He shouldn't have asked.
"I... was just curious, i guess."
He chuckled awkwardly.

'No problem Jungkook. We can talk about it later." Taehyung spoke.
"I'm so sorry for making you uncomfortable."

"No hyung. It's fine. It was just so sudden, that is why." His secretary struttered "I was confused."

Taehyung nodded.

"So..." He placed his hand on the table.

"I think, I should leave." Jungkook smiled. "Ask me if you want anything hyung." He stood up from his chair.

Taehyung stood up too and smiled, "Sure, Sure." And then Jungkook left with a fast beating heart. He was feeling something different. Something that came from his inside. A complete different and nervous feeling.

Taehyung threw himself on his chair because of the mess he created. They already were awkward and now he made him more uncomfortable.
He couldn't understand why he was doing all that. Never in his life he was so desperate to know someone's past.

Of course he was kind. He wanted to help more and more people who suffered. But this desparation was something that he felt for the first time.
He felt different with Jungkook.

He knew he can't be gay. He can never be, because since childhood he had never fell for any boy. He once kissed a guy on lips in high school, but that was just a dare. Nothing much.
He was getting married to a woman in three months. Then what was the problem? He was of course a man who liked women.

Or not?

Taehyung was tired of all the thoughts going inside his head.

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