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I hear Ian's voice downstairs and in the background, the kids are playing aloud in their room. I put my coat over my shoulders and walk toward the living room. They hear my stilettos clicking against the slabs, I can tell by the way their face turn to me.

"Hey," I try to force a smile, but no avail. The way Ian looks at me is intimidating, scary – yet attractive. His index finger plays with the facial hair on his upper lip.

"Mia, so glad to see you again." Says Ian with his deep voice and he stands up to shake my hand. "Still have no idea of who I am?"

"Not at all." I retort coldly and then he sits down and I decide to sit on the space next to Harry. He grabs my hand and intertwine our fingers – not thinking that this touching could make me uncomfortable.

Ian looks at our hands and his jaw clenches, "Well this is why I'm here, right? I can tell you a little bit of our friendship and it might help your brain out."

"I know this would help. You two are as thick as thieves," Harry nervously chuckles before saying, "It could make me jealous sometimes."

Ian and I stay silent for a minute. Theresa enters the living room, placing a tray of mugs and teapots. She serves us tea and leaves.

"I, I'll leave you two to talk. You're in good hands, Mia, this is no stranger, he's your friend, and just in case, I'll be with the kids."

"You're going to leave me by myself with Ian?"

"Would it make you uncomfortable? I can understand. Do you think I should stay?"

"No way, Harry." Ian waves him off, "She's going to remember me in no time."

Harry nods with a wide smile, and he leans to kiss me on the lips, but I move my face. He sighs and kisses my temple before walking upstairs.

"I don't like you." I tell him and Ian brings the mug to his lips with a little smirk. "I don't like the way you look at me, I don't like the way you think Harry is an idiot, I don' t like you and I think you should get out of this house before I tell Harry you're a total prude."

"Prude? That's all?" He lets out a breath, "Lighten up, Mia. If you say anything to Harry about me, I will tell Harry about our affair. You don't want him getting a divorce from you and losing all of this, do you?"

He stands up and walks around, looking at the pictures of Mia, Harry and the kids, and other families hanged on the wall.

He continues, one hand fixing his tie and the other one holding tightly the mug, "It's such a big house, you have a wonderful job and Harry is a millionaire, do you want to lose all of that?"

"Then whatever we have, I want to end it."

"Oh," he laughs, "No, of course not darling. We made a deal before your brain fucked up. Number one, our affair doesn't end if I don't want to. Second, I will tell Harry if you end it and third, you never wanted to end it, because you never loved Harry as much as you love me."

"I don't think anyone would fall in love with you. You are so cocky and arrogant." I put the mug down and cross my arms against my chest.

"Don't make a decision, Mia. What if you call it quits with me, lose everything and then you remember how much you loved me? It's going to be too late to turn back."

Since I don't have anything to do with this life, since I'm not Mia for hell's sake, I could call it quits with him, but I don't want to. I don't want to destroy Harry and the kids' life. This isn't my job, but... I want to fix Mia's mistakes because I don't want this sweet family ruined as mine is.

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