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not my best chapter.
. . .

"I need you to tour me around New York City," Louis and I are on the streets eating corndogs. We sit down on a bench and listen to a man who's playing the guitar next to us. "Well, if your husband lets you because I heard New York is the city of love."

"Thought that was Paris." I tilt my head and he chuckles, wiping my mouth with his napkin.

"It's actually London," he says, "because that's where I fell in love with Laneece."

I smile and finish my meal. I take my wallet out and stand up to put five bucks in the man's guitar case. I sit back down and notice Louis has been staring at me this whole time with a small smile.

"Do you think I'm dumb for remembering her every day?" He crosses a leg over his thigh and unbuttons his suit, revealing his black tie.

"I don't think so." I meet his happy-glittery eyes that are focusing on my lips and I hope I don't have anything on them. It's making me insecure and blush. "But if she's keeping you from moving forward-"

"I'm moving forward, Mia." He looks up to my eyes.

"I'm referring to love." I say and he's back on staring at my lips and my stomach turns. "You need to meet other people and give it another shot."

"That's what I'm doing. But I think I'm looking for love in the wrong places."

"What do you mean?"

"Let's say, for an example that I have my eyes on you, but I can't have you because you're in love with Harry," he rolls his eyes, "you're in love with him but you say you don't but as soon as your amnesia is over, you'll remember what you felt with him and you're going to forget about me..." he clears his throat, "That's an example. Just an example."

"Don't you think if I really love Harry amnesia wouldn't have affected my feelings in any way?"

"I don't know because I only know the Mia with amnesia, not the Mia that everyone in New York knows. Do you understand me?"

"Since when are you overthinking things?"

"Since Ian came to my office today." He sighs. "Ian told me that before your amnesia you two were having an affair. You were a different person before your amnesia and I'm afraid that if you gain your memories, you're going to get back to your old-self and you won't give a fuck about me. Because I'm sure before your amnesia, you didn't talk to nobodies like Louis Loser Tomlinson."

"I'm not going to keep listening to this." I put a finger over his lips. "I'm a different person now." LITERALLY.

"Are you sure?" He looks at my finger still on his lips. I don't move it away because they feel so soft. "Because I like you, Mia."

He holds my wrist and moves my finger away.

"I'm sorry the way I acted when you kissed me." He speaks softly. "I was in denial. I was afraid that I was betraying Laneece. I also didn't want to come between you and Harry, but fuck it, I'll take my risks. I want you to be with me – I know, too forward."

The man with the acoustic guitar is heard when Louis and I just stare at each other.

"Well here we are two strangers in a very different place. Who knows what will happen to us next? Here we are with nothing but this little spark. It's too cold outside to lay this fire to rest"

"I'm glad you're here." I smile, holding his hand.

He slowly pinches my cheek, "Cleaning those toilets and wiping the floor were all worth it."

Two of Everything | louis tomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now