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3000+ words to make it up for you. <3 I hope you guys like it. :(

Slept like an angel last night. I haven't slept that well since forever. I'm starting to think Ian didn't have the same luck. I could tell because he didn't come to work. He must be mourning his lover's death or he wants to avoid seeing me.

Louis also didn't come to work, and I was hoping I'd see Kelsey. Bring your children to work day has been the farthest most annoying activity so far. The kids are loud, banging doors of my co-workers' office and hiding stuff from my desktop.

I keep trying to make myself busy from my thoughts. There were no calls from Louis, no excuses – he just didn't come.

I shouldn't be worrying this much since I spent three months without knowing about him. But I spent many years being by his side.

I let out a heavy sigh. I turn off the computer and pick up purse, heading out of my office and finding Harry on the way. I force a smile and walk pass him, avoiding a conversation.

"Where are you going?"

"Taking the day off." My legs don't stop. I'm halfway to the elevator.

"Uh, no you're not." He blocks my way and twirls a piece of my curly hair around his finger. In a flirty way. I look somewhere else. He knows I'm scared of what he might do to me, but he continues as if never wrong happened between us.

And the one thing I'm not proud of is that I also pretend like nothing happened. "Come on, you're my husband. Let me take the day off," I softly pull his tie down and he glances at my lips, but doesn't kiss me publicly for the sake of his job. "You can't take your boss duties serious with me."

"If I give you the day off, what are you going to do?"

"I'll go home and probably chat with Theresa."  I say. "Don't need to be suspicious. Needless to say, I might go eat something before I go home."

"I bought you a phone to use it. Let me know when you get home. Okay?"

"Is that a yes then?"

"Mhm." He hums, "I'll let the twins know you're leaving."


I continue my tracks to the elevator and I see Sandra at a corner, staring at me. Sandra is that kind of person that is in every channel. She's the one that starts gossips and rumors, and she's always trying to sleep with her co-workers.

She begins to walk with me and hits the button of the elevator.

"It's good to do whatever you want whenever you feel like," she says.

"Is there a problem, Sandra?" I step into the elevator and lie against the wall. She stays in front of me without coming in.

"There's none. But come on, you're full of them." She smirks, "You might not remember, but we all know you had an affair with Ian-"

I hit the button to close it, but she stops the doors. My heart skips a beat. Oh, Mia. I always have to be cleaning up after your mess.

"And we all know you're having it with Louis too,"

"What are you implying, Sandra? Is there something you want to say?"

"I don't know. It would be a shame if someone told Harry."

I fake a laugh, nervousness kicking me. "Oh, you can tell him whatever you want. If you think that would get you to sleep with him... you're free. Just let me know how it goes."

She purses her red lips and takes a step back, letting the doors close. When they do, I slam my purse against them. The least I want is another feud with Harry and get hurt again without deserving it. I run my fingers through my hair and drop myself on the floor. How much longer will this take to be over?

Two of Everything | louis tomlinsonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن