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"It's over, okay? It's done. I want you to be free." Harry soothes me, softly caressing my cheeks with such delicateness. This side of him is what made me fall for him before I knew he was made of bullshit.

But I still believe him now.

"Follow me." He helps me up. I hesitate for a moment before following him out the building. Harry stares as me as we get to his car. He takes the folder out and hands me a pen. He looks around the lonely parking, "Are you going to fill the paper or not?"

"I... yes." I swallow, taking out the paper out of the folder. I press it down on the hood of the car and look down at it. "It's just a blank paper-"

I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a cloth press against my face. No. I drop the pen and the folder, tugging on his hand to get it away from my face. I feel his mouth on my ear.

"You're my wife, love. I'm never letting you go." My knees begin to bend and my world spins around me. I pass out.


I wake up and the first thing I see is Harry unbuckling my seat belt. I blink slowly and he notices that I'm awake. "Hello, there." He wipes the sweat from his forehead and I sit up, slapping his face.

"What did you do to me?!" I yell. I don't let him answer. I get out of the car and look up at the mental institution before me. My breathing quickens. I shake my head. Harry gets out of the car and catches me before I could run. He drags me toward it. "No! Please! No!"

"You did this to yourself."

"Harry! No!" I scream, "I'll do everything you want please... don't do this to me!"

He takes me inside, "Someone help me, my wife has gone crazy!" He shouts, faking that he's worried. My eyes widen and I try to pull away from him. "She says she's not herself and that she's in another body!"

I fall on my knees and he continues to drag me. "Harry stop this please! I'm not crazy! I swear!" My heart beats fast. Tears spill from eyes. "Please you need to believe me!"

"Mr. Styles," a doctor appears. The doctor knows him? Of course he does.

"This is what I was talking about... I think she needs to calm down. I'm...." His voice breaks. That fucking actor. "I'm worried about her."

"No, no, no. I'm fine!" I crawl toward the doctor. Hugging his leg. "Please take me away from this man, please."

"Come with me." The doctor pulls me up.

"N-No." I look at Harry. "Don't do this to me!"

Harry smiles maliciously. I try to run but I'm grabbed by a couple of nurses and I kick the air, tug on my arms and scream.

"I'm not Mia, Harry! Think about it! You're a smart man!"

I'm being pulled away and Harry waves at me with a smug smirk.

"You'll pay for this! I swear!" 

I'm pulled into a room and a nurse holds me down while another one takes out a syringe.

"Stay still." He demands.

"Take that shit away from me!"

And he doesn't listen.


Lonely in a room when I wake up, I don't know if it's a new day. I look up to the camera and pull my hair, "Get me out of here! I'm not crazy!" I kick the door. "I'm not crazy. That man... That man... beats me half to death! He... He's a monster! But you probably already know that! He paid for you guys to keep me here as long as he wants, didn't he?!"

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