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hey i still have readers, which is awesome. so here's another update for those that stayed. i love u


This person was strong; he had pulled me away from the road to the sidewalk and we fell on the pavement. I could feel his chest against my back as I saw a taxi cab's door open - where he came from. I don't know why but I feel secured and I don't want to see his face, no. I just grab the arm holding me and recognize the tattoos. Like a cue, it starts to rain and he slowly pulls me up. Again, I don't see his face. My mind is playing games and I might die a little if I'm imagining him.

"What the fuck are you doing out there?!" He shouts. "Are you trying to kill yourself?"

I grab his shirt, accidentally revealing his collarbones. "Louis?"

I see his shoulders slump, "Yeah, it's me."

I close my eyes. I'm crazy. Mental hospitals drive people insane and this is the result for being there for too long. God, stop playing mind games with me. I've had enough.

He presses his hand on my cheek, "Laneece." Now he's calling me his wife's name. For God's sake please let the poor Laneece die so can he finally mourn her death peacefully. Now I'm talking in third person; I'm officially fucked up.

My instinct is to walk back to the road even though deep inside of me doesn't want to do that. I'm so confused. Everything is confusing me. Since the day I woke up as Mia to this day, I'm tired and confused. Just make it stop. Stop! Make it stop.

"Oi!" He yells, pulling me back.

"You're not here. You're in France." I say, bitterly.

"No, I'm right in front of you. What are you thinking?!" He grabs my face, forcing me to look at him. His blue eyes – bright as ever. I thought that I was going to be happy to see him again but right now I don't feel anything but anger. He glances at the sky as we're starting to get soaked up by the rain and he pulls me inside a telephone box.

"You're here to see me?" I am unfazed by all this which surprises me. He puts his hand on my neck, pity eyes looking into my soul. He slowly nods and I let out a laugh of scorn, tears rushing down my cheeks once again. I haven't stopped crying. I don't think I'll ever stop. "That's not fair. You see, you had a year to give a fuck about me. And I wanted to see you and now that I have you right in front of me, I don't want to see you." I mean it. I miss him, but not this Louis. My sweet Louis wouldn't abandon his wife.

"It's not like that... it was never like that."

God, I hate his voice so much. I heard it echoing in my head in my tiny room so much that I just don't want to hear him anymore.

"I missed you Laneece."

I slap him right across his cheek out of spite because I've been wanting to do that for so long. Rain drops fall from his wet hair to his face as he touches his cheek and I focus on the noise of the rain hitting against the glass of the telephone box. I grab the phone to call Ian but I realize I don't have money with me.

"There's no explanation and no way I could erase what I did. I wish I could build a time machine and turn back time..."

"Oh just say it... you have a wonderful life now. You live in France with a beautiful woman, you're famous, your art is finally admired by lots and what could ruin it? Of course, your dead wife that's now in a different body. It's better off thinking Laneece is dead. Admit it. I already had my soul ripped out of my chest, nothing will hurt more than that."

"I wasn't the one with a secret." He says softly. "You were never going to tell me."

"Yeah! Okay! I hid this from you and Kelsey but when I woke up in this body, the first thought that came in my mind was you! Despite that this 'perfect' life had its perks; I still chose you and our old miserable life. I did everything I could to get you and our daughter out of that fucking hole you were all rotting in. I did not abandon you... I never did. I fell in love with you once again and saw a new side that Laneece couldn't see and made you fall in love with me all over again. I'm sorry you can't see it that way." I say, "What I did wasn't so horrible. Unlike you, who took a plane with our daughter and left your wife to rot... I never imagined that my husband could do something so horrible to me. I'm nothing to you, Louis. It shouldn't have surprised... me."

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