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I've been in the bathroom for three minutes, and I can hear Louis and Harry arguing with each other in a whisper. I wash my face and dry it with a napkin. I walk outside and they instantly shut their lips as they stare at me in concern. Louis squeezes Kelsey's hand; she looks so confused.

"It was just an anxiety attack."

"Why are you anxious about?" Harry asks.

"She has you as her husband." Louis answers for me, "And she just lost her job because of you." Plus, I don't have the guts to tell him the truth without almost dying. "Those are enough reasons."

"This is family business. Why are you here?"

"Because I want him here, obviously." I say confidently.

He grabs my arm way too hard that it makes Kelsey's eyes widen in fear. Louis reacts immediately, about to fight him. "Not here." I tell them. "Not in front of Kelsey. Let go of my hand and just tell me what you want from me."

"I want my wife to come home." Harry grits his teeth. "And to stop whoring around."

"Well that's not going to happen because I'm not yours."

"We're married."

"Not for much longer." I raise my face, closer to his to make him see that I'm not scared of him. Not anymore. "Now turn around and leave before I call the police on you."

Harry slaps the wall and points at me, "You're going to regret this. Forget about your kids, forget about me." I want to pull my hair and just scream. I see him disappear and Louis puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I thought you were pregnant."

"Me, too."

"I wouldn't have cared if you were. I'd be the father and take care of you both." He slowly caresses my face. "You look pale. Let's go..."

"No, I'll... I'll come by later."

"Where will you go?"

"New York is a big city, there's always somewhere to go."

"Are you sure you don't want us to come?"

"I'm sure." I nod.

Once they leave, I run into an elevator and close it before anyone else comes inside. I sit down and begin to cry. I thought I had woken up to be myself again, I thought everything was normal. But I'm here to stay in this hell.


"Surprise, surprise. Laneece Tomlinson." Ian greets me with a warm smile. He's the only person who reminds me who I am. The one who isn't letting this life consume me. "How are you feeling?"

"I didn't tell him."


"I got scared and fainted."

He gestures me to sit down and serves me a glass of whatever but I reject it. He sits next to me, drinking by himself.

"You have to tell him. Things are getting real shitty around you."

"You know who I want to tell?"


"Harry. I want to tell him."

"He thinks you're lying about the amnesia. He won't believe this either."

"He has to. He's another door I have to unlock."

"You don't have to worry about him, leave it for me. I'm going to take him to jail for fraud, but Laneece, I think you'll make things worse if you tell him. He won't believe you. Just tell your husband and everything will be easier."

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