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For a long time I hated my creations but you all brought me back. And I am so sorry.

If you are still here, then enjoy this small chapter. Thank you.

Ian. - A Year Later

I want to apologize to her. I want to apologize for making her wait for so long. The doors finally open and Laneece walks out of the mental hospital, lost and confused. Puffy eyes meet mine and she doesn't seem to recognize me at first before she drops her bag of clothes and laughs, tears of joy sparkling on her cheeks. She runs toward me and I kneel down with opened arms. She begins to cry on my shoulder and I hold her tight. "It's okay. It's over." Harry had prohibited phone calls and visits. She was probably in her room all this time; she looks so pale, tired and skinnier. What have they done to her?

"I missed you. My God, your voice, it's real... it's not in my head." Her weak voice breaks my heart and I pull away, standing up to brush away her hair away from her face. "How? How did this happen?"

"I hacked the system and found where Harry was stealing money from and threatened him to set you free." He says and she puts her hands on her cheeks, eyes crinkling. "I made him quit and send you the divorce papers."

"Harry doesn't easily lose."

"Nope but he lost you and he's moving to Canada before things get out of a hand. I'm the new manager of the company."

"Congratulations but... I know Harry is still out to get me."

"Not this time, he wouldn't mess with us knowing I could end his entire career. He cares about his career more than anyone else."

She bites her bottom lip and laughs again, jumping and hugging me. "You're my hero!"

She takes a long bath as I serve dinner. She walks down the stairs wearing one of the outfits I bought her. I made her a closet. I want her to move in and finally convince her to marry me.

"You didn't have to do all of this."

I pull a chair for her to sit down and I sit across her. She looks uncomfortable, looking down at the pasta and avoiding eye contact. I don't want to overwhelm her. She just got out.

"What are you thinking about?"

"I miss my home."


"No, Louis."

That asshole.

"He abandoned you." I say, hoping she'll remember the pain he caused her.

"I don't believe that."

I lean back in my chair, taking the glass of wine to my lips, "There was this one time he came asking about you."


"He seemed confused. I don't think he gets it." I have a drink from my wine. "And he said he was taken."

Laneece's tears are back and I look down at the glass of wine. It's gotten warm.


"He..." I close my eyes briefly. "He invited me to an Auction at Montalvo's Gallery where he was presenting his art and he introduced me to Nora Wills. A French Model. His girlfriend."

She stands up, "I'm going for a walk."

"Laneece. Stay."

"For a fucking year I was in a fucking room without sunlight, I need to get out and see what the world looks like again. Don't wait for me."

"For a fucking year Louis didn't appear to save you and I did! I don't want a thank you, I want you to understand who is actually there for you and loves you. I called Louis this morning to tell him the news and he hanged up because he doesn't care. Forget about that asshole—"

"You've got his number?"

"I'm not giving it to you, Lane. Don't you understand? He doesn't deserve you. I do." Now I sound selfish. "I want to make you happy—"

"I'm not marrying you Ian. I am married to Louis." She says before walking out of the house. I take he glass of wine and throw it against the wall.



I don't care if I was too tough on him. I'm thankful for what he did but I hate that he still doesn't understand what I'm here for. Yes, I wish I could imagine a happy ending with Ian but then my efforts would go to hell. I don't want my efforts to be a waste.

I sit on a bench, looking at the dark sky. Is he happy with her? Is Kelsey happy? God... why didn't I just die? My life is a circus. I'm in a cage. What if I step onto the road and get hit by a car? Will my soul jump into another body or I'll simply die? There's one way to find out. And I hope it's the latter.

With tears stained cheeks, I shake my head. My thoughts are back again. I need to calm down. Just hold on, Laneece. Just hold on. I'll be okay.

I'll be fine.

No you won't. You lost everything. What you have left is a life that's not yours. How fun.

Without thinking, I step onto the busy road and hiccup, tears running down my cheeks. I look up to the sky again, "I want to be dead. I don't want second chances!"

"Get out of the way, bitch!" A trucker shouts and I cover my ears from all that honking. Shit.

I snap out of it, my eyes roaming my surroundings. I squint by the harsh lights. How do I get out of here without being ran over? I'm so fucking stupid!

I keep walking side to side but I don't seem to get out. A car flashes me - it's speeding toward me and I sit down, grabbing my head. This is it.

But nothing happens.

"Oi! What are you fucking doing?!" I hear a familiar voice scream, strong arms wrapping around me and pulling me out of the road.

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