Another Trip to the Hospital Wing

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As I began to stir from the dreamy place I was now quite familiar with, I was a white figure begin to come into focus. Malfoy. And he was reading my Owl Mail!

"Didn't mummy ever tell you to not read other people's mail?" I inquired snootily.

"Didn't mummy ever tell you to not seek unless you are spoken to?" Malfoy smirked, knowing me had won. "Well, now that you are finally awake again, I can ask you something."

"What is it?" I asked, noticing the curiosity in his voice.

"Who sent this?" Malfoy, passed me the piece of parchment and I read it:

Dear Hiss,

I need to tell you something, read this now, it is important.

Your father and I have always been close to the Malfoy family and they believe (as you know) to keep pure blood pure. As we do to, but we do not inflict it upon you in the same way as they do to Draco.

You see, your Mother and I have not told you something about ourselves as we have believed you are too young for too long, we will not be telling you this, however, until the Christmas break, where we will be staying at Malfoy Manor, so get on the Hogwarts Express with Draco, I have made that instruction quite plain, do as I ask.

Once you find out the meaning of all this, it will become clear to you as to why we are doing it. I need you to blend in with Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. I do not care how close you are to your brother, which I know you will know by now who that is or those two friends of his.

Try and find out what is on the 3rd floor, and tell me when we see you at Christmas.

Love from Dad.

"Well, Hiss is my nickname, you know, Holly Beatrice Potter, H for Holly iss sounds like the end of-"

"Thank you for that lesson on what your parents call you, but I am not talking about that. Father never mentioned you back home and Mother never wrote to me to tell me you were coming. I mean honestly, I'd rather have Pansy that a Potter staying at my place anyway!" I felt slightly abashed by this, I felt offended, why I do not know. But I began to wonder if he really meant it.

"Oh shut it Malfoy. Trust me, looking from my side, I don't really want to stay with a stuck up snob for 2 weeks"

Malfoy smirked."Well, I always preferred blondes, I guess I fixed that already, not fixed the attitude of a toad that you have." He droned, like he had learned his lines from a script.

He tapped his pocket warningly, reminding me of the wand that caused me so much grief. Dragon heart string, Ollivander told me it meant a person with a kind heart and good meaning under their mask, was there another side to this delusional Draco Malfoy? Could I find this part of him within himself by Christmas, 2 weeks wasn't long, but I could deal is short spaces of time. It was time to try a different strategy. My Führerprinzip, my turn to be the hunter, not the hunted.

I wish I wasn't going to the Malfoy's in a weeks time, but i didn't have a choice. And I had a plan...

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