The Fickle Four

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I continued to sprint as fast as I could in a daze as I wiped Quirrel's words from my mind. I ran passed Joe and Marlowe  (two Slytherin prefects who were  such sons of a squib) and Joe muttered something under his breath about not giving me a detention for running in the corridors. I shook my head, I couldn't worry about that when there was more at stake; not now, not with what was about to happen.

I suddenly crashed into a frizzy ginger mess. It was Hermione and Ron.

"Where's Harry?!?" I whispered, realising any noise would reveal we were out of dorms after nightfall.

"We thought he was with you!" Ron gestured, a lot louder than expected. Hermione shushed him.

"He went to look for you- he told us he wouldn't be back for a while-"

"He went alone..." I tittered quietly.

"What?!? No! He can't have- he wouldn't have!" Hermione whined.

"And he was your twin since when, 'Mione?..."

"Listen, I know where he is. He's about to go reach the third floor."

*5 mins later*

"How did you guess that?" Harry cried after his plan had been "cruelly foiled" as he put it.

"Well, I'm sorry, but did you actually think we wouldn't figure it out? You wouldn't have lasted with THOSE brains down there very long if you thought we wouldn't come looking."

" Fine. Us two can get down the trap door easily and we could take Snape on-"

"Ahem. I thought 1 add 3 gave you 4." Hermione chirped in.

"It's just-"

"Bloody hell, mate. We're coming whether you want us to or not!"

And so the 4 of us set off to begin a new chapter of our year...

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