Chapter 1

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Hey guys! :) Hope you liked the prologue and all, here's the first chapter! :D 


Ariel's POV:

I woke up from my bloody nightmare screaming. My eyes fly open and scan my room. I let out a sigh of relief as I finally realize I'm in my room. I shakily throw my covers off me and get up from my bed. Checking the clock I see I have more time than usual to get ready for school. This happens every time I have a nightmare; I always end up having a lot of extra time to get ready. I sigh and go to my bathroom. As I wait for the water to my shower to get warm I stare blankly at the floor. Why won't they go away? Why do my nightmares keep recurring? It's the same one too. One would think that by now I wouldn't have nightmares, but I still do, which really pisses me off.

I finally just forget about it and hop into the shower, hoping to wash away all the bad memories. "It's not going to happen again. Just don't think about it anymore." I tell myself and sigh. I've been telling myself the exact same thing for four years, ever since I got into high school. Now I'm a senior in high school and am about to start first semester. I have a feeling they won't be going away anytime soon, since they haven't gone away for four years. What is this nightmare you may ask? It's something that happened to me when I was younger and is the sole reason I hate men.

After a long shower I put a towel around me and head to my closet. I pick out a pair of jean shorts and a large oversized blue off the shoulder sweater with stars on it. I brush out my reddish hair and let it dry into its natural state. I had absolutely no effort to deal with my mane of hair today. 

I go to my makeup and apply base, mascara and eyeliner. Pulling on my vans to complete my look I give myself a onceover in the mirror and approve. I checked my phone for the time, which read 7:24. I groan and walk out of my room, grabbing my school bag as I do. I still had too much time to spare, but I didn't mind it as I saw my mom at the bottom of the stairs, giving me a big smile as a greeting.

"Good morning Ariel!" she says cheerily and I return her smile. "Morning mum!" I call and grab a muffin and sit down on the counter. "Are you excited to finally be a senior?" she asks, trying to get a conversation going. I give her a smile and nod. "Yes! Only one more year of school!" I cheer and she laughs. "Then college." she reminds me and I groan. I shove the muffin into my mouth and savor the flavor. "I have a meeting tonight so I won't be here. I left you some money for a pizza or takeout. I'm really sorry dear." my mom says with a sad look and I giggle.

"It's fine mom really. I'm fine with takeout. I understand you're a busy worker." I reply and she smiles again. I excuse myself and run upstairs to brush my teeth. After I'm done with that I walk downstairs and look at the clock. 7:35. "Crap. Momma I gotta go. Love you!" I say quickly and give her a peck on the cheek and run out the door. "Love you to sweetie! Have a fun day at school!"

As soon as I start my trip walking down the road I sigh. I was used to my mom having meetings and all, but I missed my mama bear being at home all the time. If you haven't figured it out we're really close. I've always been close to my mom and I'm not afraid to say it either. I stroll down the sidewalk to my school, which is only about five minutes away. I do have a car but to me it's pointless to drive if you live this close to school. I take in my surroundings as the school grounds come into view. Yeah, it's still the same old boring place. But I only had one year left of it.

I walk up to the gates, beginning to look around before I'm immediately tackled by someone. I grunt in shock as I feel weight pressing down on me and I grit my teeth together, ready to beat whatever punk thought they could just tackle me. "ARIEL!!" my best friend Kristi screams in my ear and I laugh. Well, maybe I won't beat my best friend, that wouldn't be too good. 

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