Chapter 48

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Ariel's POV:

'She's not responding to her medications.'

Voices. That's all I can hear. Nothing but voices filling my mind, never ceasing to stop. Why couldn't I just tell them to stop talking? Why can't I move?

'She's in too much pain right now, moving her is a risk.'

Pain? That's what this awful feeling must be. My whole body is pulsing with pain, aching and throbbing, especially my back. I can't feel anything else but pain, and I can't remember why.

'I've just gotten Mrs. Valentine and Louis to leave. They're gone now.'

Mom? Louis? They were here? Louis...I need to talk to Louis. I need to tell him how much I love him. I need to talk to my momma, to tell her I'm so sorry for everything. I need to get up NOW.

'W-what? Her heart monitor is picking up! It's going too far up in such a short amount of time.'

'She's trying to wake herself up! This isn't good!'

Of course I will wake up. It's a good thing though, isn't it? Anything is better than this awful place I'm in right now. Maybe if I wake up, I'll stop hurting, and I can see my mother and Louis. I cant get out of this horrible black cave I seem to be stuck inside.

I can feel my muscles now, they're tensing up and trying to move. I can take a deep breath, smelling the sickly air of the hospital, and the sickly smell of the surgery room. Wait, surgery? I had a surgery?

My mind is starting to work again, and with it comes all of my memories. That's right...I had a spine surgery, because mine collapsed. That's where all this pain is coming from, it's from that surgery.

'Ariel! Ariel stop trying to wake up! You aren't ready yet. Just please stop!'

These voices are so pesky, I want to get rid of them. Maybe if I wake up, they'll stop screaming at me. Of course I'm ready to wake up, I have to get out of this place.

How do I force myself to wake up though, that's the question...

I felt my body beginning to move and a small source of accomplishment flooded my mind. If I can move, then I can definitely wake up.

My neck turned to the side and I let out a groan, surprising myself at the noise I made. I'm waking up, I'm really doing it!

Finally my brain started to clear up and I felt sure of myself, knowing that I was doing the right thing, waking up. It was just a sense I had. I could still hear voices yelling around me, but as I became more aware of my surroundings, I finally realized that the voices I was hearing was the doctors in the room.

But why would the doctors not want me to wake up? Sure, I'm in pain, but I want to get away from the darkness enveloping me. Twitching my fingers, I let out a small whimper as pain shot through my back again at all my sudden movements.

I forced my eyes open, the bright light blinding me momentarily. Blinking several times to let the room come into focus, I saw all the doctors hovering over me with horrified faces, looking scared out of their minds. Even Dr. Chase was staring at me in fear.

Blinking again, I slowly turn my head to the side, trying to get a glimpse of my heart monitor. But the sudden movement caused excrutiating pain throughout my neck and I let out a scream, my hand flying up to hold my neck.

"Ariel! Ariel stop moving!" Dr. Chase's voice entered my mind but I couldn't stop from wanting to cradle my throbbing neck. "Make it stop!" I shout, tears falling down my face as I feel my hands removed from my neck.

"Please! Please just make it stop!" I scream, the pain getting worse and worse as the time progressed. "Hurry up with the shot!" another doctor shouted and I let out another scream as a needle got pressed into my neck.

After a few moments, the pain in my neck, as well as the rest of my body, began to grow numb. Once a minute or two passed by, there was no more pain at all.

Whimpering as I looked around the room, I can see the shocked look on the doctor's faces. "What?" I ask quietly and Dr. Chase steps forward while shaking his head.

"You shouldn't have forced yourself to wake up, Ariel. Your spine can't handle all your movements yet, so we needed you to be asleep for at least another fifteen hours. I'm surprised you're even awake, no one's been able to come back to us only three hours after the surgery." he says and my eyes widen.

"It's only been three hours?" I ask and he nods his head. "It felt like I was trapped for days." I murmur and Dr. Chase gives me a sympathetic look.

"Where's my mom and Louis?" I ask abruptly and all of them pause, looking at one another. "We made them leave." a doctor that I didn't recognize spoke up first and my lips formed a frown on my face.

"Why?" I ask and Dr. Chase lets out a sigh. "You may have survived the surgery, which in itself is a miracle, but you had a minor setback because you weren't responding to any of the medication we were giving to you, and your spine wasn't going into place like it was supposed to." he says and I furrow my eyebrows.

"What does that have to do with them leaving?" I ask confused and he lets out a dry chuckle, looking at me with sympathy. "If they would've seen you, or if you would've seen them, it could've caused a disruption internally and your spine may not have set properly. Your spine is still trying to set itself properly right now, which is why we wanted you asleep. You can't move." Dr. Chase says and I let out a sigh, finally understanding.

"Okay, I get it." I whisper and the doctors all give me a smile. "You're a survivor, Ariel. You should be happy right now." he says and I force a smile, one question brimming in my mind.

 "I need to know one thing. If I know this, then I probably will be happy." I say and Dr. Chase nods his head wearily at me. He knew that it must not be a very good question, but it was one that I needed answered nonetheless.

"Am I going to be paralyzed?" I ask and his eyes widen a little in shock from my question, before a small smile appears on his lips.

"Actually, Ariel, if your spine sets right in the next twenty four hours, there's an 80% chance that you won't be." he says and relief flows through me.

"That's good to know." I murmur and he shakes his head. "To tell you the truth, Ariel, I don't think you need to be worried. If you've made it this far, there's nothing that can stop you from being who you were before this happened." Dr. Chase says to me and I smile.

"Thank you." I say and he smiles at me before nodding his head. "Now, I need you to stay still and go back to sleep. The drug we injected into your neck should start making you feel sleepy in about ten minutes, so you'll be out soon. Tomorrow will be the big test results that you will be waiting for." he tells me and I nod my head to him, watching as him and the rest of the doctors leave my room, leaving me in peace.

Letting out a sigh, I stare up at the ceiling, making sure that I didn't move a muscle. I had to get better, I just had to. There's an 80% chance I won't be paralyzed, and so far luck has been on my side.

Maybe things will turn out okay.

 Sorry for the late update! I hope that this chapter makes up for it, because I've been incredibly busy lately :( Please continue to Comment and Vote! Love you all xx

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