Chapter 37

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Ariel's POV:

My mom had just left for work, leaving me alone in the house once again. It was Sunday afternoon, and I still haven't left the house at all. I don't know why I couldn't just get over this, for some reason it was just clinging to me.

I wish it wasn't though, I wanted it to go away, to just disappear for the rest of my life. But it won't disappear, and neither will he. He's just staying in my mind, haunting me wherever I go. And I absolutely hate it.

"Why is my life always like this? Why do I have to hide away from the world?" I murmur to myself, taking a deep breath before getting out of my bed, sluggishly walking towards my door.

I go out of my room and head downstairs, going into the kitchen and grabbing an apple and some yogurt, not really hungry, even though I haven't eaten properly in about four days.

After nibbling on my food, I find myself walking towards the window, looking outside at the world. I couldn't decide what I hated more. The fact that people would always be smiling as they talked to each other when I saw them on my street, or the fact that I would always see Louis coming and going from his house like nothing happened.

Of course he wouldn't think that it mattered, he doesn't care about me. That's why he played me, he just wanted someone to hurt.

"That's all I'm good for, isn't it?" I mutter to myself, sighing. I look back outside, my eyes widening as I see Louis staring at me in his driveway, his eyes looking into mine intensely.

I try to glare at him, but it turns into a wince. It's too painful for me right now and I don't understand why. Turning away from the window, I quickly walk away from it and sit on the couch, hoping that I could erase his stare from my mind.

But that doesn't happen when I hear a knock on the door. Cursing under my breath, I sluggishly walk over to the door, looking through the peephole to see Louis standing outside, looking awkward as he waited.

"What do you want?" I ask numbly, not opening the door for him. If I actually saw him face to face, I would probably cry. I didn't want to do that, I've built up a little wall around myself, and I haven't cried for a whole day. I really don't want to ruin that streak.

"I need to talk to you Ariel. I really do." he says desperately and I can't help but roll my eyes. "So you can do what? Tear me apart even more?" I ask and I see his face sadden.

"No, Ariel...I, I never meant to hurt you." he says and I laugh. "You didn't mean to hurt me? Really?" I say sarcastically and he sighs. I can't take this anymore.

"No, I didn't! I wasn't playing a game with you, I-" he starts but I cut him off by throwing the door open, glaring at him. "You weren't playing a game?? That's a lie and you know it! You admitted it when I asked you Louis, so don't even try to make excuses!" I shout at him and he looks at me in shock.

He probably notices how horrible I look. I have dark bags under my eyes, I haven't put on makeup and I was dressed down in sweats and a baggy t-shirt. Thankfully I had at least brushed my hair, but I knew I still looked awful.

"Okay, okay. I did play a game with you, but that was at first!" he starts and I look down, not wanting to listen to him. All he was doing was making excuses, and I didn't have time for that.

"That's what I would say too, Louis. Quit making excuses for yourself." I snap at him, looking back in his eyes, that were now misty. Is he really tearing up? No, no that's not possible. He's just trying to make you feel bad. Don't fall for his trick, Ariel, don't fall for it.

"It's not an excuse, it's the truth. I can promise you that I loved you and that I called off-" he says but I interrupt him again, my anger bubbling over.

"You loved me?? If you 'loved' me, Louis, you wouldn't have done that crap to me. I don't want to hear it." I say, taking a step back and slamming the door in his face, not listening to him anymore.

I could hear him sigh but he didn't try to say anymore, which I was thankful for. I walked forward, putting one hand against the wall while my other hand went to my forehead. Gritting my teeth together, I held back the tears that desperately tried to escape my eyes.

"You liar." I whisper, squeezing my eyes closed so that I wouldn't cry.

"You couldn't have loved me. Not if you did that. You don't care about me anymore." I say sadly and I take a deep breath, holding back the tears in my eyes.

He's probably trying to make me feel worse this way. Him trying to apologize like that, he is doing it for show. He doesn't want me to throw a fit in school, he just wants me to be a sad, demolished girl who he could take pride over destroying.

As much as I was telling myself that's what he was trying to do, a small part of my brain kept nagging me, telling me that I was wrong. Telling me that he was sincere and that he really loved me, he was doing this all to fix our relationship.

"Who do I trust?!" I scream, holding my head with both hands and looking down at the ground, a few tears slipping from my eyes. "No! No more tears!" I say to myself, trying to hold them back.

"Please, just stop." I say, my voice cracking slightly. My eyes closed again, trying to block out my thoughts when someone knocked on the door again.

Anger swept through me and I glared at the door, stomping over there and throwing the door open. "Can you not take a hint? I don't want to talk to-" I freeze, my eyes widening in fear as I see Brendon at my doorway, a dark grin on his face.

"No." I gasp, horror in my eyes as he laughs at me. "I'm back, baby girl. And this time, you don't have him to protect you, do you? I saw you two fighting. Such a shame, isn't it?" he says coolly, stepping towards me.

I stumble away from him, my mind whirling around as my fear took over. He's back and I have no one to help me. No one at all.

I try to run away from him, but he grabs the bottom of my shirt, pulling me back into his chest, wrapping his arms around me. I screamed out in terror, but he slammed his hand over my mouth, muffling my screams.

I struggled in his arms, but my attempts failed as he was stronger than me. He laughed at my futile attempts, pulling me to the door so that he could close it. Once he did, he dragged me over to the couch, throwing me onto it before he climbed on top of me, his eyes gleaming.

"Let's play a game, sweetheart."

Please don't hate me for leaving you with this. Haha, hope you like this chapter!! :D It is a little bit shorter...but that's because I have a big chapter planned :) So please, continue to COMMENT and VOTE :D Love you guys xx

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