Chapter 27

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Thank you to everyone who reads this book!! Over 12.1k reads!! :D thank you so much!! Love you all so much xx

Ariel's POV:

Sunday was spent by me forcing Louis to rest and stay in bed all day. I don't know where this overprotective side of me came from, but I was almost acting like a mother to him, making him stay in his room and ordering him around.

He tried to put up a fight against me, but I won every single time, because his mom would agree with me and both of us would gang up on him. He pouted so much Sunday but it was extremely adorable.

Now, it was Monday morning and I was getting ready for school, a little tired from not sleeping last night. For some reason, every time I closed my eyes, I had my nightmares again, but I decided not to think on it too much.

Putting a bobby pin in my hair to keep my bangs out of my face, I grab my phone and my bag before going downstairs to the kitchen. Happily, I saw my mom standing there with a small smile on her face. "Hey baby." she says tiredly and I go up to her, giving her a huge hug.

"I'm so glad I got to see you." she says and I smile up at her sadly. "You have to work?" I ask and she nods. "Sorry sweetie, but at least I got to see you now." she says optimistically and I smile, nodding my head.

"Have a good day at school sweetheart, I love you." she says and kisses the top of my head, letting me go. "I love you too momma, hopefully I'll see you soon." I say, walking to the door and she laughs. "Hopefully? That doesn't sound so positive!" she teases me and I giggle.

"Sorry, how about this. I KNOW I'll be seeing you soon." I say with a wink and she laughs, nodding her head to me. "That's more like it young lady." she says and I laugh, shaking my head before saying goodbye to her, walking out of my house and going down the street.

I stopped when I got to Louis' house, watching as he made his way outside, a black jacket, white t-shirt, and jeans adorning his body. "Hello beautiful." he greets me, pecking my lips lightly and making me smile.

"Hi Louis." I say back, taking his hand as we began to walk down the street. The images from the fight still lurk in my mind, thinking about how he was so intense, so fierce as he fought. If Louis were to ever hurt me, I'd be done for. I wouldn't stand a chance against him, and that scared me.

But then again, Louis' never hurt me, and I don't think that he ever will.

"You're awfully quiet this morning." Louis comments and I turn my head, seeing him smiling down at me and I smile up at him. "I'm just a bit tired, that's all." I say nonchalantly and his smile disappears, his eyebrows furrowing.

"You had nightmares, didn't you?" he asks and I try to smile, not wanting him to worry about it. He was still recovering, I could still see how he favored his shoulder when he moved his arms. So he didn't need my burdens as well.

"No, I just couldn't sleep." I half-lie and he rolls his eyes. "Ariel don't lie to me, please. Tell me the truth." he says and I sigh, looking straight ahead.

"Okay, yes I did. But it's fine." I say dismissively and he shakes his head at me. "No it's not, you should've called me, I would've done what I could to help you sleep." he says, turning to me with a frown on his face.

"I'm sorry Louis, I didn't want you to be bothered by my troubles." I say and he scoffs. "It's not trouble to me." he says and I frown. "Well I think it is and I don't want you to worry about me." I say, speaking a little bit faster as my irritation started to grow.

"Ariel, no matter what you do, I'll always worry about you. Even if we are together, I'm still worried about you." he says comfortingly, giving my hand a small squeeze as I look at him, his eyes soft and a small smile on his face.

"I'm sorry Louis." I say and he just shakes his head. "It's not your fault, it's just that I want you to be safe." he says and I force a laugh. "As long as you stay with me, I should be." I tell him and a huge smile breaks out on his face.

"I'll hurt anyone who tries to harm you." he says seriously and I smile back at him, slightly leaning into his chest. "Thank you, Louis." I say and he gives me a hug, twirling me around before setting me down. I giggle at his behavior and he throws me a wink, the irritation that was rising between us now completely gone.

We reached the school gates, people immediately staring at us as we walked through the gates. I gave some people glares, making them turn their gazes away from us while we walked. "People should learn to stop staring." I mutter irritated and Louis chuckles.

"Don't be so embarrassed, I want to show you off." he says and I give him a look, to which he just winks at me. "You're mine and all mine. They need to know that." he says and I roll my eyes at him. "Oh okay." I tease and he laughs.

Kristi comes up to me, a smile on her face as she gives me a hug. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" she says to me and I smile back at her, nodding my head. "I know, it's insane." I mutter and she gives Louis a smirk.

"You've been keeping her away from me too much, mister. You better back off a little." she teases and both of them laugh while a blush comes on to my cheeks. "Kristi, why would you say that?" I groan and she winks at me.

"Just having fun, Ariel. I've been calling that you two would be together ever since the first time you met him." she says and I narrow my eyes at her while Louis smirks at her. "I knew I liked you for a reason." he jokes with her and I begin to laugh.

The three of us walk into school, Louis' arm slung over my shoulder in a protective manner while Kristi walked beside me, her steps happy and light as we headed off towards class.

"Louis!" We all turned at the familiar voice, Louis visibly stiffening as Harry came into view, a frown on his face while his arms were crossed. "What does he want?" I growl, my dislike towards Harry very apparent.

"I'll go see, don't miss me too much." Louis jokes before walking towards him, the two boys beginning to talk in low voices so that no one else would hear them. "We need to get to class or we'll be late. Tell him we're going or I will." Kristi says and I roll my eyes, calling out to Louis.

"We gotta go to class, Louis!" I call and he gives me a quick smile, one that didn't quite meet his eyes. "Go on, I'll be there soon." he says and I nod, walking ahead with Kristi while curiosity brewed inside of me. Why would Harry be talking to him so secretively and why wouldn't Louis give me a real smile?

"What's going on in that brain of yours?" Kristi asks as we approach our classroom, raising one eyebrow at me and I shrugged. "I don't like the way they were talking, it bugs me." I say and she sighs, shaking her head.

"Everything's fine, don't worry so much." she says, walking inside before I followed her, us sitting down and getting things ready for class. I have to worry. I have a reason to worry, because if something happens between them, something could happen to us.

Something felt off about the way they were talking, but I knew that if it was important, Louis would definitely tell me about it. We don't really keep secrets anymore, so he would tell me what him and Harry talked about for sure...

Wouldn't he?

Ohh, what's going on with Harry and Louis? And why is Ariel so nervous about it? please leave me your feedback, it means so much to me :) so please comment and vote!!


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