Chapter 20

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Ariel's POV:

After telling Louis about my past be seemed so upset and sad, but I guess that was just because of what had happened to me.

"Here, we can watch a movie to forget about this." I suggest, my voice hoarse from crying so much. He smiles at me and nods, picking me up bridal style and carrying me downstairs.

He sits me on the couch and pops in a random movie he finds. It actually ends up being Mean Girls. I settled in against Louis' chest, trying to forget about opening myself up to him.

I just hope he wouldn't see me any differently now.

Louis' POV:

I'm freaking out. I'm literally freaking out inside as I sit here on the couch with Ariel. I'm lying to her face and she's believing me and opening up to me.

Why am I such a screw up??

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and held it to me out of Ariel's line of view so she wouldn't be able to see.

I texted Harry quickly, hoping to get a reply from him soon.

To: Harry

We need to talk.

I waited for another ten minutes before he answered me.

From: Harry

Sure. When?

I rolled my eyes at his bluntness and obliviousness to this. He should know full well what I'm talking about.

Well, I guess he doesn't know why I'm going on but I'm so upset and confused that I can't even think straight.

To: Harry


This time I didn't even have to wait 2 minutes before he answered.

From: Harry

Alright. My house? At 12.

I rolled my eyes at his stubbornness to come to my house but as I thought about it, that was probably a good idea. If Ariel saw Harry coming to my house she'd question me and that would only lead to something bad.

So I decided to go along with Harry's conditions for this talk. I texted him back 'okay' before nervously running my fingers through my hair.

I look down at Ariel and breathe out a sigh of relief. She's sound asleep.

I stop the movie and pick her up, carrying her bridal style up the stairs and lay her in her bed before covering her up.

Her lips were parted slightly and she looked absolutely beautiful, even when she was asleep.

What was I doing?? Standing here watching this girl as she sleeps while the entire time she thinks she can trust me I'm just using her in a game that she doesn't deserve.

I'm in deep.

Way too deep for my own liking.

I curse under my breath and leave her a note, before leaving her house and going to my own. I hadn't felt as guilty before with all of this but hearing about her past made it all the worse.

I was a complete dick.

I sighed, running my fingers through my hair again as I walked up to my room and shut my door. I paced through my room before I finally had to sit down on my bed.

"I have to end this one way or another." I mutter to myself and hold my head in my hands. I decided to go with the best option at this point.

I just had to talk to Harry now.


I walked up to Harry's house and knocked on his door, waiting for him to open. My phone buzzed and I opened it, seeing Ariel's text across the screen.

From: Ariel ;)

Thank you for taking me to my room last night. And for everything else. I really appreciate it :) see you soon?

I sighed, knowing she was completely oblivious to this whole thing.

I texted her back before shoving my phone back in my pants and banging on Harry's door.

"Harry if you don't open the door I'm going to break it down!!" I threaten and five seconds later the door swings open, revealing the curly headed boy.

He glared at me and I returned it before going inside.

"I thought you'd never show up." I mutter and he scoffs. "You don't have to knock at my house Lou, you know that." He says, and I frown.

"Fine. Whatever." I mutter and he states at me.

"So what is so important that you want to talk to me now and not at school?" He asks and I sigh, sitting down on the couch and leaning forward with my hands together.

"I'm calling off the bet with Ariel." I say and Harry sits down, shock across his face. "What???" He asks and I nod.

"You heard me. I'm calling it off. I don't want to play games with her anymore." I say truthfully and he clenches his jaw.

"You fell for her didn't you?" He asks and I run my hand through my hair. "Maybe I have! I don't care!! I'm done with it. I just had to tell you. I'm not playing anymore." I say agitated and he rolls his eyes.

"She's playing you, only making you think she likes you." He says and I shake my head. "I don't think so." I say, remembering last night.

"She told you something didn't she? I remember Zayn talking about when he dated her, she wouldn't let him touch her other than a kiss. She's hiding something isn't she?" He asks curiously and I huff.

"So what if she is? It's not my place to tell." I say through gritted teeth and he sighs, shaking his head.

"Whatever man. I'm just telling you this is a mistake. Whenever she breaks you don't make me say I told you so. Because I've warned you mate." He says and I nod.

"Yeah. I got that." I say with a roll of my eyes and he nods.

I get up to leave and when I'm at the door his last words catch me by surprise.

"You shouldn't have done this Louis. You should've stuck to the plan. She has to be broken. For her own good."

I don't even reply to him as I slam his door shut and get into my car to leave.

I get back to my house when I see Ariel walking towards me with a smile on her face. Guilt claws at me but I know that I've resolved it now, so I push it aside, even as Harry's words haunt my mind.

"Thank you, again." She says shyly and I smile, kissing her forehead softly. "Anytime babe." I say and smile at her. She gives me one in return before I hear my mother calling me.

"Louis! Oh, is that Ariel?? Wow, she is lovely!! Bring her in, I'll make some tea!" She gushes and hurries inside, making me groan and Ariel giggle.

"I like your mom." she teases and I frown as she starts walking towards my house. An uneasy feeling set in as I walked behind her, knowing full well that a conversation with my mom could expose my past to Ariel.

One I'd been so desperate to hide.

And now it's threatening to resurface.

I sit down at the table with Ariel as my mom sets down tea and a slice of cake for us. "Louis has told me a lot about you." My mom starts and I feel my cheeks heating up and I groan.

"Mum!!!" I scold and she looks down for a moment to hide her giggles. "Sorry, sorry! I just haven't had the chance to meet her yet, you've been hiding her away." She scolds me playfully and I roll my eyes, a small smile on my face.

"And he's been hiding away you from me!! I can't believe we haven't met before! You're such a lovely person!" Ariel says and my mom smiles along with me.

I'm glad Ariel likes her. That's a plus for both of us.

Just as we began talking and teasing each other a knock sounded at the door.

"I'll get that." My mom says cheerfully and goes to the door. Sudden uneasiness sets in on me, the same feeling I had that night.

"Mom no!!" I call but it's too late, the doors already opened to reveal the sick face of the man who's tortured my mother these past years.

I quickly get up and run to the door, putting myself between my mother and this man. "Well well well, what do we have here?" He says and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Get out of here." I threaten and he laughs.

"That's no way to greet me. I haven't seen you in so long." He says and I grit my teeth. "For a good reason to. Now go. Away." I threaten yet again and he shakes his head.

"This has to be an interesting-oh-what do we have here? Who's this beauty hiding?" He asks, his eyes traveling to Ariel. Anger automatically surges through me and I shove him out the door, just as he was stepping in.

"Don't you dare touch her." I growl and he gives me a sick grin. "Doesn't she need my wishes? To be dating my son?" He asks and I clench my fists together as I face this man.

"You aren't my dad anymore."

Sooo, how about that cliffhanger ;D huh? Hahaha how was it? Good? Bad? Tell me!!! Hope you all like it!! Until next time, comment, vote and fan!!


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