Chapter 25

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Ariel's POV:

I kept quiet as Louis drove towards the arena where he would be fighting his father. I didn't really know what to say, I was so concerned about him.

"Ariel, are you okay?" Louis asks concerned and I numbly nod my head, not trusting my voice.

"Hey, it'll be okay." he says comfortingly, taking my hand in his and giving it a soft squeeze. I give him a smile and sigh.

" isn't right." I say and he nods his head.

"I know. Him forcing me to do this to save you isn't right. I shouldn't even have to choose between you and my mom, it's not fair." he mutters and I giggle.

"That wasn't what I was talking about." I say and he lifts one eyebrow at me. "Oh? Then what is it?" he asks and I sigh.

"A son fighting his father, under any circumstance, isn't right. You shouldn't be doing this." I say and he nods his head understanding.

"I know, but it's just how he is. I can't help it and I can't change it. So I have to fix it." he says and I roll my eyes.

"What's with men and fixing things?" I grumble and he chuckles. "I guess that's just who we are." he teases and I smile softly at him.

"We're here." he announces suddenly and the fear returns to my stomach. We get out of the car and Louis takes my hand, leading me inside but keeping him close to me.

"Please tell me your mom isn't going to be here." I say and he nods. "She's not, she said she couldn't come. It was too hard for her." he says sadly and I nod.

"Well I don't doubt it, this whole thing is ridiculous." I mutter and he rolls his eyes.

"It'll be over soon, so don't worry." he says reassuringly and I huff. "Uh huh." I say, knowing full well that I was going to be worrying until the last punch was thrown.

"Hey, Ray!" Louis says loudly and a big buff man with tattoos scattered on him and dark brown hair turned towards us, his eyes narrowing until he saw who it was. A smile broke out onto his face and he came over, clapping Louis on the back.

"Louis! Haven't seen you in quite some time! How've you been, son?" he asks and Louis throws him a lopsided grin. "I've been just peachy." he retorts and both men laugh.

I stand beside Louis lost, not sure what to say or do. Louis finally noticed my awkwardness and pulled me to him, so that Ray could see me.

"This is Ariel. Ariel, this is Ray. My old boxing buddy." Louis introduces and Ray sticks out a hand for me to shake. I do so, surprised by the soft grip he has on me.

"Nice to finally meet the lady that has made Louis turn to mush." Ray jokes and Louis blushes slightly before slapping Ray on the back of the head.

"I have not." Louis defends and a smile comes to my face. I giggle and ruffle Louis' hair, making him groan aggravated. "She's never going to let me live that down." he grumbles and we all laugh at him.

"Anyways, what'd you need?" Ray asks and Louis straightens up, looking serious now. "I want you to keep an eye on Ariel during the fight. I don't want her wandering off anywhere." he says and I frown.

I was perfectly capable of taking care of myself.

"Sure thing mate, I got your back." he says and Louis turns to me. "I'll be in my dressing room, getting ready. He'll take you to me before I fight." he says and I frown. "Okay..." I trail off and he gives me a quick kiss on the forehead.

He leaves me alone with Ray and I huff. "I can take care of myself." I mutter and Ray laughs, his brown eyes shining with amusement.

"There's a lot of sketchy characters who came to watch this fight. He was protecting you." Ray says and my mouth goes into an 'o' shape.

"Plus, if it was up to me, I wouldn't have let you come at all. I wouldn't want you to see this brawl." he continues, leading me down a corridor.

"Why?" I ask and he gives me a sad smile.

"People have been waiting for this fight to happen for a long time. They knew Louis' father was in deep, and Louis had enough of it. They were waiting for his breaking point." Ray explained and I nodded.

"And his breaking point was?" I ask, trying to find out more information and Ray gives me a smirk.

"It's you." he says and my mouth drops.

"Me?" I ask and Ray nods his head. "Yes, you. I've never seen Louis so protective over anyone, not even his mum, than he is over you. It's strange to see, but it's also nice knowing he has someone." he explains and my heart warms at the thought.

"Oh..." I say, not being able to keep the smile off my face.

"I'm going to go check to see if Louis' ready to see you, the fight's supposed to start in ten minutes." Ray says, walking away before turning around and pointing at me.

"Stay here, I don't want you getting into trouble." he says and I nod my head at him, watching as he leaves. Once he's out of sight I let out a scoff.

Of course I'm not going to stay in one place, I want this fight to be cancelled.

I start walking down the hall where we were, seeing a door with Louis' fathers name on it. I narrow my eyes, debating on whether or not I should just barge in there or not.

"I have could be what gets this fight cancelled." I mutter to myself, hoping to gather up some courage.

I take a deep breath and breathe out before looking at the door determinedly. I raise my fist and knock on it, hearing the voices inside grow quiet.

But before the door could open, I can hear Louis' angry voice fill the hallway. "WHERE IS ARIEL?"

"Crap." I say to myself, backing away from the door. I see Louis and Ray round the corner, seeing me standing by the door.

Louis starts to run to me, Ray following behind when the door in front of me opens, revealing his father.

"Well well well, look who we have here." he says greedily, eyeing my body and I give him a disgusted look.

"Get away from her you bastard." Louis growls, stepping in front of me. "No, I'd rather get closer to her, my boy." he says and I roll my eyes before his father gets serious.

"Why'd you knock on my door, girl?" he asks and Louis stiffens, turning to me with angry eyes. "You what?" he hisses and I sigh, stepping in front of him.

"Call off the fight." I tell his dad and I hear Louis sigh.

His father bursts into laughter and shakes his head, looking at me amused. "You really think I'd do that? I've been waiting for ages to beat the crap out of him. I'm not going to let my chance go. Besides, he's the one who challenged me." his father replies and I groan.

"I don't care! You don't have to do this! You didn't have to accept the challenge, but you did. Just call it off!" I scream, my emotions taking over.

His father just shakes his head with a smirk. "No can do miss. Just think, when this is over and Louis is beaten, you'll have to come crawling to me." he says and I cover my mouth, trying not to sob.

Louis takes me in his arms and glares at his dad, who still has a smirk on his face. "You won't beat me. You'll pay for everything." Louis growls and leads me away, leaving his dad staring after us.

"See you in about 5 minutes!" he calls chastising and I sniffle. We reach Louis' dressing room and I hear him tell Ray to wait outside.

"What the hell were you thinking Ariel? Trying to talk to him?!?" Louis yells at me and I give him a sad look.

"Louis I can't take it! I don't want you to get hurt. I know you say you won't but it'll happen! He'll get in a punch or two, but that's all it takes for you to get hurt and I can't stand that! It reminds me too much of..." I trail off, knowing he'll get my reference.

His eyes soften and he hugs me as I cry. "Baby, I'm sorry for making you worry. But everything will be alright. Even if I do get injured, it won't be much. He won't do as much damage on me as I will to him." he says and I sigh.

"And this will not be like your past, when you get abused for no reason and you can't stop it. I will not let him push me around anymore, and I will stop it. I can." he reassures and I clutch his shirt.

A knock on the door interrupts us and Louis sighs, turning to the door. "Who is it?" he asks irritably and I hear Ray's voice on the other side of the door.

"Fight's about to start, you have to get out there." he says and I widen my eyes at Louis.

"Don't go, please don't go." I beg and he shakes his head, clearing my eyes of my tears before taking his shirt off and putting on boxing gloves.

"I have to go." he says sadly and I look down.

Louis sighs, kissing my forehead before leaving the room. "Wish me luck." he mutters and my eyes widen. I can't let him think I'm mad, he won't do good in the fight.

I go out of the room, seeing him walking down the hallway to the arena. "Louis!" I call, him turning around confused as I run up to him and give him a massive hug. His arms wrap around me and I look up, getting on my tiptoes to kiss him.

He accepts my kiss, kissing me back swiftly before I let go. "Good luck Louis. You have to win." I tell him and he smiles, letting me go as Ray comes up to us.

"I will win. I'll win for you." he says and leaves me alone with Ray.

"Come on, we'll go to the front row." he says and leads me through a different hallway to the stands, where we get right by the boxing square.

Louis looks determined and focused as he enters, getting ready to fight while his father is standing with a cocky smirk on his face.

He has to win...Louis has to win.

I take a deep breath as a ref comes between them, talking to them to see if they were ready. Both of them nodded, now focused in on the fight. I took in a deep breath as the ref's arm went down, and he called out...


Sorry about the massive cliffhanger xD haha

Love you all xx

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