Chapter 2

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Hey peoples!! :) wanna say thanks to @HeyItsLu for commenting on both prologue and chapter 1, it means a lot to me :) she's the one who got me to update tonight so yay!!


Ari's POV:

I glared at him angrily as Mr. Noltner rambled on about accepting him and all that. Screw that! He's such an irritant already! He didn't make a very good impression if you ask me. Sizing me up the first moment you see me? Really? Who does that? 

"Okay Louis, you need to pick someone to show you around for the day so you don't get lost and we'll make sure you have the same classes as them so you can recognize a friendly face." Mr. Noltner says and my heart stops. Louis starts to scan the room slowly. No no no no no no. I silently begged he wouldn't pick me but I looked up and saw his eyes land on me and a smirk grow on his face. I gave him a dirty glare as he looked at me mischievously. Don't you dare do it.

"I pick the girl with the red hair." he says and points at me. I hate you. "Okay, Ariel will you come up to the front please?" Mr. Noltner says and I give Louis a dark look. His smirk just grows as I slowly get up. Kristi sends me an apologetic look and I just give her a look that says 'help me!' 

I walk up to the front and I hear people snickering behind me. Why are they laughing? When I get up to him I try not to glare at him. "Hello love. I'm Louis." he says formally and sticks out his hand. There's no way I'm giving this guy the pleasure of seeing me angry that he picked me. I give him my sweetest smiles and grab his hand firmly.

"I'm Ariel! It's so nice to meet you!" I say pleasurably and his face drops. Obviously he didn't get the reaction from me he wanted to. I shake his hand and then drop it. I hear Kristi's laughter from our table and I put a smile on my face. He regains his smile after a moment and takes a step to me, putting his arm around me comfortably, which irritates me greatly. "We'll have so much fun today won't we?" He says happily and I roll my eyes at him. "Of course." I say and he chuckles.

Mr. Noltner coughed and we both turned around to face him. He had his eyebrows raised and his arms crossed. "Well then...Ariel will you hand me your schedule?" he asks and I nod. I shrug off Louis' arm nonchalantly, hoping that he would stop touching me. Reaching into my bag that I had the sense to bring with me, I pull it out and hand it to him. "Alright Louis I'll send this to the office and in about ten minutes you and Ariel will go get it and then she'll show you around for the rest of the day." he explains and Louis grins. "Perfect." I fight the urge to roll my eyes and hit him in the face. With a hammer. That unfortunately I don't have.

"For now until homeroom ends you'll sit with Ariel okay? Get to know him better you hear me?" he says the last sentence with a hard glare to me and I nod. I stroll back to my seat and glance back to make sure Louis is following me. He is...but he's staring at my butt the entire time. "Eyes up pervert." I growl and his head snaps up but he gives me a smirk. "But there's so much to look at." he whines and I glare at him, wanting to throw up. "Shut up." I snap and he holds his hands up in surrender. "Feisty are we? I like that." he says and winks at me. I give him a look of disgust and sit down next to Kristi.

"That was hilarious! He was so shocked whenever you smiled at him." Kristi whispers to me and we both start laughing. "What are you lovely ladies laughing about?" Louis says poking his head over my left shoulder. "None of your business, now get back." I hiss and he chuckles. "And just when I thought we could be friends." he teases and I give him a glare, turning to face him as he straightened up. "Why would I want to be friends with you? You're a pervert and really rude." I say and he furrows his eyebrows together. "Rude?" he asks and I nod. "The way you acted in the hallway ten minutes ago." I say slowly to make sure he understands.

Troublemaker(Louis Tomlinson Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora