Chapter 27: Fights

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Brad's POV

Going back to school was never that bad, but after New Years it just sucked. Snow was still falling and everything was still super pretty to look at. Winter was my favourite time of year, it was just so peaceful. And now things were even more different. What with breaking off from the jocks and cheerleaders and because i'd applied for early admission into Med School. Mom wanted me to become a doctor. Dad wanted me to play college football. And me? I wanted and loved both. So applying for early admission was best. I hadn't told Juliet yet, but i wouldn't unless I get in. But that was months away. So i tried not to worry about it as i drove my mustang to school. I'd gotten it for Christmas, and i loved it to bits. It was just black, but it was an old model and it was just perfect. Everyone was jealous, especially Juliet. And even Max was jealous. 

It had been hard for him I think, to find out his best friend lived another life. He was confused. He both wanted to be my friend, but hate me at the same time. It sucked, seeing him around school, him trying not to look hurt. I had hurt him, but not on purpose, i'd tried to explain that to him. He just didn't understand. I belonged with Juliet, no matter how that may be. Max could never admit that he wanted me back, but he showed it in another way. Violence.

I had been looking for Juliet when I came across Max and a bunch of jocks, with some of the cheerleaders as spectators. They seemed to be harassing someone, and i tried to sneak away, but when I saw who it was my heart stopped. Juliet. He was harassing Juliet. "So bitch. What is he really doing with you? Huh? Are you his sex toy? Are you threatening him?" Max demanded holding her chin tightly, her head tilted up so she was looking at him. She didn't look scared but angry. He was the main person to bully he. "No! Max of course not! Now let me go!" She spat back loudly. He slammed his body against hers, making her hit the lockers behind her. The cheerleaders started laughing, one of them had their phone out, filming it. I was so angry. I stormed over just as Max started whispering in her ear. Her face changed immediately, and she looked disturbed and scared. 

I pushed my way past my old friends. "Max?! What the hell do you think you're doing?" I demanded loudly. How could he do this? His head snapped in my direction and he smirked. "Look, your master." He said to Juliet. The anger bubbled inside me, was he just trying to mess with me? He knew the truth, I'd tried to explain everything. "Brad?! Run, please!" Juliet begged me. I ignored her pleads and grabbed Max's arm tightly, tugging it away from Juliet. "Don't mess  with her, you wouldn't dare." I growled. Max wouldn't budge and he laughed. "What's that, loser? Are you trying to defend her? Have you become soft or something? Tell me the freaking truth!" He said, his voice escalating with each word. I scoffed loudly. "I already told you the truth! So if you're going to hurt her for stealing me away from you, than hit me!" I said, stepping towards him. I was taller than him by a few inches, but not by much. Though i was more threatening.

His eyes showed his anger and before I knew it his fist slammed into my face, hard. I didn't even grunt, but my head snapped to the side. "You're just using her as your bitch! You're just doing her to make her vulnerable, to leave her in the gutter where she belongs!" Max laughed. I growled, why would he EVER think that! I wasn't like him, and even so, he wouldn't do that to a girl either. I slammed my own fist into the side of his jaw. "Shut up! Shut up!" I yelled.

"Brad! Don't!" Juliet said, but i was too distracted by Max's swearing. I quickly looked at her but Paul and Greg were holding her, so she couldn't run. Paul was sliding his hand over her ass and I grimaced, grabbing his hand and punching his gut quickly. "Don't you dare touch her!" I spat. "But sharing is caring." Greg said with a slight smirk on his clean-cut face. Before i could reply I felt a kick to my back and i doubled over. I had no idea who it was, but they kept hitting me back, especially my spine. It hurt, a lot. "No! Stop it! I'll do anything, please don't hurt him." Juliet begged, but her voice sounded distant, I could only concentrate on the hands and feet pounding at me as i was forced to the ground.

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