Chapter 36: A beautiful Lie

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Seth's POV

It had been 2 weeks since I really spoke to Juliet. And it felt almost good. It was always hard to be around her, especially now that she was together with Brad. I had helped a bit with moving Viola's family's stuff to the theatre, but had no clue why. They had called me once they'd packed everything. I had been invited to Blaise's party, but I had to come later because of Ben. He had wanted me to help him train for Ice hockey. Because he always knew I was good, but I just never wanted to join a team. It just wasn't for me. Besides it was my dad who had taught me how to play ice hockey, and it just hurt to be reminded of me. I still wonder where he is. If he's dead, or alive, or... something.

The only person I kept in contact with out of Juliet's group of friends was Blaise. The others tried to talk to me, but I never really wanted to talk to them. I did sometimes, but it was just too weird. But now he was on holiday with Viola and her family, to Europe of all places. I was jealous. I wanted to just go away, to forget about all this crap. It just made want to leave and never come back. It was the right thing to do though, break up with Juliet, it was either me and get hurt, or her and get my heartbroken. It was an easy choice. Though I never wanted it to end. I don't think either of us did. But she loved Brad. No matter what she was trying to tell herself. Now she realised and it was all happy smiles. 

Ben had tried to distract me, to let me not feel the pain. But it was fading... Slightly. I wasn't very good at this. Same when I found out about Marcy. But I had Juliet then. She had kept me from falling into the stupid black pit I swear I was going to fall in soon. So I went for long walks. Mom didn't care. She was at work most days anyway. I always had my headphones on, music up high. That was the best thing right now. I'd sit on a low wall by the beach and watch the waves crash, almost wishing I was a wave. I'd just stop crashing and slow down, then go back into the ocean and do it all again. A nice routine. 

I always bought myself some junk food too and just ate. I never really gained any weight, and walking around also lost the calories I ate. No one ever bothered me and it was good. But today I had seen Juliet with Brad, out with Logan in a pram. It... Seemed normal. I saw people giving them weird looks, but that was only because they didn't know the situation. I took a deep breath and had walked over to them. "Hello." I said, taking my headphones off and they hung around my neck. Juliet smiled happily at me, she still always seemed so happy to see me. I didn't understand that at all, was it an act? Or was I just over thinking things. 

"Seth! How lovely to see you." She said and gave me a hug, which I returned. It was familiar and it felt good, like I could walk again and keep going. Maybe I should stay friends with her and ignore all my flight responses. We pulled apart, smiling at each other. I greeted Brad with a nod. "Hey, man." He said. "So. How is little Logan doing?" I asked. Brad didn't even look fazed, like he actually still liked me. He wasn't threatened of me. Though of course not. I broke it off with Juliet and she was with him. There was nothing to worry about. I leaned over Logan and tickled his tummy like he always liked. He giggled and thrashed around happily. 

"He's doing good! Still happy, still healthy, still Logan. I think he tried to say mom yesterday." She said proudly. I smiled happily at Logan. "Good boy. Yes." I cooed. Even though technically she was his nephew, that didn't matter too much. He'd get it one day. He reached his hand out and he grabbed onto my hair. "Ouch." I muttered as he pulled. I tried to smile, but it didn't work. "Oh, Logan, sweetie. Not his hair!" Juliet said, gently prying his fingers out of my hair. I stood straight up. "Well. That hurt." I chuckled and glanced at Brad. He looked so happy to be here with her, and Logan. He liked Logan just like he was his own son. He'd make a good father. I sometimes had NO idea what to do. I still had years to wait until I had kids. But that was fine by me. I saw how much work kids were.

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