Chapter 37: A little surprise

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Juliet's POV

A 5 weeks after Brad and I had slept together Blaise was coming home. Seth was gone. Esmee and Florence were gone. It was all so weird. Our normal nerdy lives were almost gone. Brad and I still read together, but Logan was taking up most of our time. I didn't mind it though. We were already planning stuff for college and it was going to be so exciting! Together we were going to get an apartment not too far away from the college and we were still looking. Things were going to be great, I could feel it. The day Blaise got home we sat down together and we talked. A lot. 

"How are you and Brad?" He asked me. He hadn't had much time to talk to me while he was on holiday, but I didn't mind. It gave him a chance to get away from all those drama's involving me. I knew he liked to help me, but sometimes... It must be too much for him. It was even too much for me. "Oh great. Really good. You know. The day we got our acceptance letters we uh... Slept together." I told him. I hadn't had a chance to tell anyone yet. Until now. It was just so weird not being around the others for so long. Blaise's eyes went wide and he smirked at me. "You go girl! I knew you guys couldn't hold on much longer! Ha! Somehow I knew it." He said. His reaction took me by surprise. Well this was better than any lecture! "Um. Right! Ok and what about you and Viola? You guys slept together yet?" I asked him with a smirk. It was very likely, I'd be surprised if they hadn't. "Oh yeah. Right! The night before Viola moved out. We did it." He said a little embarrassed. 

I just chuckled at him, shaking my head. "And you forgot to mention it to me! You're such a bad friend!" I laughed. "No I'm not! I got you heaps of presents from Europe! So what if I didn't get to discuss my private life with you." He said a little jokingly. We had spent less time together since Brad came back in our lives, but we were still the best of friends. "Ah you shouldn't have! Besides we haven't had the time to really talk like this anymore. What with Viola, Brad, Seth, Logan, even Josh." I sighed softly. He put his arm around my shoulder and smiled at me. "It's ok. I forgive you. You've had a hard time. It's time to be free! You're leaving us all behind. Starting your life with your one true love!" He said chuckling to himself. I just rolled my eyes at him. One true love. Right. We were still young, but I couldn't possibly know the future. 

"How's it going with Viola?" I asked him after a small pause. I still didn't know what exactly had happened, but Blaise told me that she'd tell us when she was ready. It must suck. But I guess her parents weren't around much. "Oh. They're going to get a house from their grandparents! How crazy is that. It's a huge like... Estate almost! It's crazy! But her grandparents are going to be living there too. It needs to be fixed up, but it's a keeper. We saw it online." Blaise smiled at me. He really loved her and her family too. He'd experienced almost as much as they have, and they all liked him. I knew her family too, but not as much as he did. Guess you would know your girlfriends family better than her friends did. 

"Wow. That's amazing. Are you going to live with them?" I asked him, trying to hide my smirk. It would be sweet if they did, but I wasn't really sure which way their relationship was going. "Oh. We talked about it. But I have to talk to dad first. Especially since Seeley will be moving out too." He said and I nodded, I totally understood. He always liked to get his dad's opinion on things. Well most things. "I think it'd be nice. It'll give Viola a chance to just breathe. I know she's like a mother to her siblings. But it isn't my decision. And I'll be off soon too." I sighed softly. It was only another 1 and a half months to go until we go! Still had so much to plan. 

"I can't believe you and Brad are going together to Harvard! Your dream college! And with HIM too. Must be a dream come true." Blaise said, disbelief in his voice. I sighed, leaning back on my hands, looking up at the ceiling, where my posters hung. "I know. It really is. My life is taking a good turn again. I'm glad. It won't have to be so scary anymore." I said. We sat in silence for a moment and I started to feel sick, my heart started pumping faster and I was feeling hot. I put my hand over my mouth and ran to the bathroom. Ugh. I threw everything up and felt really horrible. I flushed the toilet and washed my mouth out. Disgusting. 

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