Chapter 6: Surprise

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Brad's POV

Juliet Jones.

How would you describe her? Well nerdy, nice, energetic, bubbly, lovely, damaged, funny, caring and most of all PERFECT. She was alot of things, yet i couldn't describe her like that too ANYONE. She was something of an exception when it came to ruling this school, i'd act nice but never too nice. I would never bully her, but i didn't stop the others bullying her. But why would i do that? People would think. I have my reasons. Reasons unknown, reasons known, reasons i would never admit. Yet one would be about what happened years ago. NO ONE would speak of this accident. I wouldn't dare talk about it within Juliet or Blaise's range, let alone just talking about it. Juliet doesn't remember a thing, but i know deep down she remembers whats happened.

I sat in front of the tv, not really sure what i wanted to do. These day's i couldn't help but be bored, i remember the days when i spent every second of every day with Juliet and Blaise, we were the three musketeers and i think that only now had the two of them realised what we were together. The bestest friends ever. I lost them, but i kind of want them back now, as friends. The day that i found out i had Juliet as my English partner i was super excited. My heart pound as i caught her eyes, she looked shocked but i smiled sweetly, not really sure why i did, but it happened. We haven't really done anything yet, as we had to finish what we were doing first and i was busy every single day. Being the head Jock was a hard life, always having someone follow you around, needing to know what you're doing. You can't let anyone see your weak side, a.k.a your soft side, with the crying, the sadness or saying No. Sometimes i wonder why i ever became a Jock, i've always been great at sports and everyone supported me. But if i never had lost my friendship with Juliet, who knew where i'd be, or where she'd be.

My phone started to ring, i didn't really want to answer it, but i found myself doing exactly that. "Hello." I said, noting that the I.D Caller was Max, my so called Best Friend. I mean i did like him, he was fun to be around, but i could never act the same way he did. He could be violent when he wanted to be, and liked to break rules. I in fact was the opposite to that, i had a soft side, i didn't like violence and i didn't want to break the rules, except for the little ones that don't get you in trouble.

"What's up man, wanna come train with me, i need someone." I heard Max's voice ask, he wanted help with Football, what else. "Uh, not sure if i can Man." I didn't feel like it, no matter how hard Max will push, i will not go. "Come on, you know you need to practise some time this week, you've become boring." He whined, like a little kid, sort of. "Well i've become very bored, and i don't feel like practising, END of story." I replied. He just needs to get the picture. "Fine i'll ask Josh, or i could come round for something to do." I sighed, to be honest i didn't even feel like seeing Max at the moment, or anyone for that matter. "Nah man, go play with Josh, i'll be fine by myself." I heard Max's laugh through the phone, and i smiled. He could also be funny when he wanted to. "Fine, have fun, Looooser." He liked to call me loser whenever i was alone. "Goodbye pinhead." He laughed again and hung up.

We liked to call each other mean nicknames, he called me loser, punk, ugly, and clown. I called him pinhead, knucklehead, princess and blabbermouth. But it was all friendly play, no harm done to each other, and that's what i liked about our friendship we could name each other almost anything and we could take it as a joke. It was different to my friendship with Juliet and Blaise, or what it used to be anyway. I sighed, it'll never be the same again.

What am i going to do now? I ran through my options.

1. Run around/ walk around the neighbourhood for no reason whatsoever.

2. Watch a dvd- A movie or t.v series.

3. Watch tv.

4. Read (since i love too read, but none of the jocks knew that.....)

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