Chapter 11: End of Camp

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Blaise's POV

The disco was soo much fun. I danced with Viola, she danced with me. I had the best time. Mostly there were fast pace songs, but i was fine with that, as long as i was with Viola. She looked so pretty, even if she was wearing Skinny jeans and a dress top. I also saw Kris there with some friends of his, Adrian with Percy, which was actually very funny to see. Trying to get some random girls to dance with them. I laughed. I saw Aaron dance with Lola, and them having a good time. Which was sweet. I didn't see Seth or Juliet there, but i knew they wouldn't really come. When the disco was finally finished me and Viola went back to look for Juliet and Seth. But we didn't find them at the camp site, we found them on the playground.

My arm was around Viola's shoulder and she was leaning into me, wearing my leather jacket, which actually suited her. But we walked passed the playground and i heard Juliet's familiar singing voice. It was quiet but i heard it, Viola did, Adrian heard it, because he was "stalking" us. Though he denied it. He said "They're just as i left them. Mostly." With a teasing tone, and i could see why. Seth had his arm around Juliet's shoulders, and she was leaning into him from the side. She looked so innocent, so young even with her glasses on. It was actually kinda cute, but somehow i knew for now it's just friendly.

Juliet was stll singing when we arrived at the playground. It was noisy because everyone was leaving and going around nowhere. Juliet didn't notice us until we were standing right infront of her. But she just smiled and kept on singing. I could see that Seth was basically falling asleep, as if she were singing a lullaby. Which she really was.

Once she'd finished Seth was actually asleep. She softly took his arm off her shoulder, looked at me and said "I need to talk to you, Viola," She looked at her, "Do you think you could stay and see if he stays asleep, this is important." Viola nodded, "Sure." She sat on the rail and nodded to me.

I followed Juliet, along with Adrian, who was allowed to come, away from the playground, but still in sight and away from the crowds. "What is it?" I asked once she'd stopped walking, and looked down at her feet.

"I talked to Marcy, well she talked to me. And i don't know what to do with this information, it's killing me. So i'm telling you this." She sighed. "Go on." I urged her. "Well she told me to stay away from Seth, because she thinks he likes me, and that i'm trying to steal him away from her, which i'm not, and she went on like this. But then she told me..." She paused. "She told me, that she never loved Seth, never will. And that it was all a cover up for her real relationship, that she was just using him for a puppet." She finished. "I dont know what to do...." She shed a small tear. I gasped out loud.

Marcy was cheating on Seth, oh that poor guy. Poor, poor guy. "Are you serious?" I asked. Juliet looked at me and nodded. "How could see do that to such a sweet guy. That evil, evil girl." Though i just wanted to swear, call her nasty things. But i didn't, i couldn't, i wouldn't. "What am i meant to do?" Juliet asked again. "I.. i don't know." I said. Adrian just had his mouth wide open, like he was catching flies with his mouth, he just stared and stared.

"It's their 2 year anniversary tomorrow. Though Seth says he's starting to lose his feelings for her, but he's still confused, still wanting to be with her. But he needs to break up with her, right?" She pleaded. "Yeah, we'll just convince him, since tomorrow we're going home. So she won't hopefully be mad." She nodded, and i just hoped it was true. He still had feelings for her, but we couldn't let her use him as a puppet.

"It's just so wrong, i'm glad you told me this, i really am. But we HAVE To keep it a secret." I said, she nodded probably already knowing this. "I know, i would just never be able to tell him, but if he's still going out with her for another week or even a month, we have to tell him, or she'll just keep using him." I kept nodding, it was all i could do. "True, but uh why would she want him to stay away from you if she didn't love him."

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