Chapter 5: Nothing Will Happen

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I couldn't believe what I had just seen, and to think that someone who is clearly in love with Louis had to see that too? I horrified. I thought Louis was better than this. Right now I was on my way to a bar near Nandos with Sophie. We hadn't shared any eye contact or even dialogue since we left the restaurant. Sophie was just sort of looking out of the window and wiping her eyes every now and again. I felt really bad seeing her like this. And I felt like I couldn't do anything.

We pulled up outside a little bar and I turned off the car. I turned to Sophie and she was struggling with the door. I had a child lock on because I'd had baby Lux in the car the week before.

"The child lock's on. I'll let you out." I explained, unbuckling my seat belt and climbing out of the car. I went around to Sophie's side of the car and opened her door.

"Thanks." She muttered and walked past me, without any eye contact, straight into the building and up to the bar. I walked in behind her and followed her to the bar. She pulled herself onto a bar stool and ordered a vodka and coke.

"Not gonna ask me what I want love?" I joked. She just sort of glared at me. I raised my hands in deffence. "Kidding." I said awkwardly. Then I turned to the barman. "I'll have a vodka and coke as well please." I requested. I sat up on a bar stool beside Sophie and turned to face her again. "Right so... you if you want to talk that is kinda the idea of me bringing you here..."

"I thought the idea was to drink" She said taking a sip of her drink.

"Well yeah, and that. But you need to talk to someone." I explained.

"I do have friends you know. I don't need to explain the most upsetting parts of my life to some stuck up celebrity I don't even know."

Well that was insulting.

"What makes you think I'm stuck up?" I questioned, genuinely wondering.

"If you're anything like Louis then you'll be stuck up."

"Obviously I'm different to Louis because I'm here with you rather than with some random waitress right now." I said rather bluntly.

"Bit harsh for someone who apparently only wants to help" She scoffed.

"Well I would be helping right now if you would bloody well let me!" I argued.

"Well maybe if you could be a bit more understanding of what I'm going through right now the-"

"I can't understand something I don't know about!"

"Yeah... I guess you can't..." She muttered.

"So you gonna tell me now? It's the only way I can help."

"Well you know about me and Louis. How he left me at one of my worst time so he could go and get famous or whatever. Then I bumped into him today, we argued, he apologised and then I left. And then here's the real kicker, I was on the way home and I heard one of your songs come on the radio... what one? Rock me? Yeah and I heard the first line and I realised that Louis had feelings for me so I drove back to Nandos to tell him I'd heard the song blah blah blah..." She took a deep breath. "And then when I got there a saw some slut with her hand on Louis chest and.. well that brings us to where we are now."

"That is a lot of information to take in about a minute. What did you mean at your worst time?"

"Yeah I'll have to be a bit more drunk before I tell you that." She laughed.

"Okay. Well to be honest that whole situation is just badly timed. I think if you'd just happened to bump into Louis in Nandos the way you did today without you knowing him before-hand you two might have worked out but because of your history it might not go your way..."

"I'd accepted that me and Louis wre never going to happen before I saw him today. And that just brought back feelings." It was at that moment I noticed a small peak of a red mark on Sophie's wrist.

"What's that?" I said gesturing to her wrist where the mark is.

"Nothing." She deffended rather too quickly, pulling down the arm on her cardigan.

"No really what is it?"

"Seriously Zayn, it's nothing." She snapepd her head to the side holding both of her sleeves down.

"Why d'you do it?" I asked her.


"I'm not that supid. I saw the scars. Why d'you do it?"

She sighed a shaky breath and brought her hand up to her face, tears brimming in her eyes. "Louis, that's why. It's like I said, he left me at the worst possible time to leave someone. Just so he could get fame and money and girls. And he didn't even look back. And before you tell me you know what I'm going through, you don't. Because no-one has ever felt this."

"I am really sorry he made you feel this way. I am. D-do you have a place to stay tonight?" I asked.

"Oh right. Classy. Just when I was starting to think you weren't that bad you try it on with me. Seriously?"

"No, no that's not what I meant. I mean like I don't want you to be on your own tonight because you've gone through a lot today. I wouldn't try it on with you, not when you're like this."

"Well to answer you're question, no. I checked out of my hotel about an hour ago."

"You can stay at my place if you want. I'll take the couch, you can have the bed."

"Thanks Zayn. I left my car at the car park by Nandos so I'll ne-"

"I'll give you a ride to the car park tomorrow morning to get your car."

"Okay. Thanks. Should we be heading home then?" She asked drinking the last bit of her vodka and coke.

"Yeah just let me pay for our drinks" I said taking a ten pound not out of my pocket and laying it on the bar.

"Let's go." She said standing up from her seat and heading to the door. I followed quickly behind her, wondering what she meant by 'the worst possible time to leave someone'....

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