Chapter 20: To Dance Again

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I sit in silence in the large dance hall, awaiting the arrival of the person I least want to see right now.

Zayn arrived back in England this morning, the happiest I've ever seen him. Harry, Liam and Niall are at the vending machine and Zayn is talking to Perrie on the phone. So I'm all alone. In this huge mirrored room. Only me and my thoughts.

I check the time on my phone. 10.57am.

3 Minutes 'till I see her again.


I'm standing in the 'prep' area outside the dance hall stretching, all the while mentally preparing myself for the torture of the next day. At least the dance is easy. I've known these moves since I can remember, and so its only easier to be teaching them. Its just teaching them to Louis that's the problem.

I give up on stretching and have a drink of my water before checking the time. 10.57am.

3 Minutes 'till I see him again.

"Hi boys" I say, as I walk into the dance room and place my water bottle on the table at the side. I look up dreading what I'll see, but it's even more surprising when I see only 3 boys infront of me. "Why is there only 3 of you?" I ask no-one in particular.

"Oh, Lou and Zayn will only be a minute." Liam explains.

"Ah, okay. Well I'm Sophie." I tell them. "I'll inrtoduce myself properly when Louis and Zayn get here." I say before I can really think it through. They probably already know who I am. I know Harry and Louis will, I'm pretty sure the others will too. Just as the realisation of how stupid I probably sounded then sets in, Zayn walks in, with Louis not too far behind him.

I only get a split second to observe his appearance, but his eyes are puffy and red around the edges and his hair is swept messily around his forehead. Like it used to be when he'd just woken up on my couch on a Sunday morning. Sleepy and grumpy, but still with a smile playing on his lips when our eyes met.

I shook the thoughts out of my head and thought more about his red puffy eyes. I've known him and his family all my life and those eyes can't be mistaken. They only come after tears. But why's he been crying?


I walk into the dance studio and our eyes meet. It's only for miliseconds. But it sends a charge up my spine like never before. Like we were young and in love. Her hair is in a messy bun on-top of her head like it used to be when she'd greet me in her livingroom at 9am after I'd stay on her couch.

She was always so cheery in the morning, unlike me. But her smile brightened my day more than the dewy morning sunshine every time.

But she isn't smiling right now.

And that's my fault.


"So I'm assuming you guys know who I am?" I say. I really hope I don't come across wrong.

"Uhm, you're Sophie?" Niall asks.

"Yup." I say popping the 'p'. "I'm Sophie Saturday, your new choreographer and dancer. I'll be dancing with Lily and Annie, who are very good friends of mine. Well, Lily is. I'm hoping we'll all get on and we can work together happily." I say chirpily. Yes, the whole 'get along and work well' thing was directed to Louis but I honestly do want all 6 of us to work well together.

They all nod back at me like Churchill puppies- well, except Louis- and I don't know where to go with this.

"I'm assuming you're all stretched out then?" I question and they look at me like I just asked them the square route of 560972374 times 4 is. "You haven't stretched?" I say. How do they expect to dance well without stretching. I know I'm not exactly teaching them ballet but they need to do some stretching. "Right, well I'm gonna go and get us all some water bottles -since you don't appear to have those either - and while I'm gone just do some basic arm and leg stretches." I say and walk out to get the lads some water and power-bars.

All I really needed out for was just to take a break and think about how I'm going to handle this, but before I can I hear my phone ring in my bag. I walk over and dig it out, not bothering to check the caller ID before answering.

"Hello?" I say.

"Hi, Sophie?" The voice replies.

"Yeah, this is Sophie. Can I ask who's calling?" I ask since I don't know the voice.

"It's Paul. Y'know, the boys' manager." The man I now know to be Paul explains.

"Ah, Paul." I breathe in realisation.

"Yeah, I was just calling to say good luck with today. We know you have a bit of history with Louis and that's why we were a little skeptical about hiring you. I hope you can get on well and put any problems behind you."

Well that caught me off guard.

"Uhm...thanks for the good wishes." I say, no idea what else to say.

"He loves you y'know. Grab him while you still can. Both hands."

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