Chapter 16: Fourteen Days

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Fourteen days.

Fourteen days in this tiny hospital room.

Fourteen days since I told Louis to get out

Fourteen days since Louis proposed.

I can't say that all I've felt for these fourteen days has been regret for not saying yes, but at the same time, I regret telling him to leave.

Everything he said was so perfect and for the past four years it's the only words I've wanted to hear come from his mouth, but everything he did and said about that letter didn't just disappear. Even if he apologised it wouldn't make everything he's done just disappear. He left me, when we had a child!I can't just forgive that with one little love speach. I wish I could but I just can't.

Daddy has visited me as much as he can but he doesn't really have much time anymore, they've got some problems at work or something but he manages to see me every couple of days. He wont be able to see me today but luckily I wont be lonely because Marx and Lily are visiting. Also today I plan on asking the doctor if he can move me up to Doncaster's hospital rather than keeping me in London.

Every other time I've thought about going to Doncaster there's been a voice in my head telling me "What if Louis comes to see you and you're not here anymore?" But that voice seems to be gone, and it's almost like if I go back to Doncaster now, I'll feel like none of this ever happened, and I can go back to living in Doncaster and working in Starbucks- the only difference is I won't be dancing until November.

Every year Marx makes Lily and I do a Chirstmas ballet performance for the juniors, and I love just love it. So when Marx told me on the phone the other day that I'll be able to perform that like normal I was so excited. He told me he has other news but he'll tell me when he gets to the infirmary, which is making me even more happy to see him.

Im excited about everything even though I should probably be burying my head into a duvet and crying, but I've done too much of that in the past few years. I've hid away too much, I've cried too much, I've been a coward and run away from my problems to often. So now I'm letting go. I'm letting go. I'm not running away any more, I've confronted the biggest problem in my life and I've cut it out.

For good.

I think.


Fourteen days.

Fourteen days that I've basically hidden myself in my room.

Fourteen days since I've seen her gorgeous face.

But in the last two days of those fourteen I've realised that what I said to Sophie before I left isn't entirely untrue, it's like me and her really have some closure now, so if I hadn't bumped into her she would still be cutting and I would still feel guilty. However if I'd never met her my entire life would have been ten times simpler. In that respect some of what I said had meaning.

I feel bad for saying those things straight to her face, but I needed to get it out. It sounds selfish and arrogant but that's just how I feel. And now she can go back to Doncaster and have her life, and I can go back to the lads and have mine.

The way it's meant to be.

I think.

A/N: Dedicated this to SkittlesMaePayne because she is amazing and she is a lovely reader and I appreciate the fact she likes this story :)xx

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