Chapter 18: You're Kidding.

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"No. No no no. I am not doing this. No." I protest.

"Sophie. You have to, Marx went to so much effort to get you this job. Please? You don't even have to talk to Louis." Lily tries to persuade me.

"I'm his choreographer Lily. How am I going to teach him things without talking to him?" I shout.

"Well yeah but still. I'll be there, and so will this lovely girl Annie from London. You wont be touring with them alone, we'll  be there for you." She attempts to change my mind.

"I don't know I'll have to think about it. Plus I need to apologise to Marx for freaking out at him. Can you get him to come in?" I ask.


"Thanks." I say, and Lily walks out.

This is the biggest oppertunity of a life time. If I say no to this I might never get a big break like this again. But if I say yes I'll have to spend almost a year with Louis. It's too difficult. I can't even think about it. But I need to. I start in two weeks. (I know it's only September and she isn't supposed to start till November blah blah blah but just roll with it okay? Haha :D )


I can't exactly turn around and say 'Find new dancers', because we only have a fortnight until Sophie starts. But I can't spend alomst a year with the woman who I proposed to then cussed out and left in a hospital room either. This is not fun. At all.

Oh and where's Zayn? Off in Paris with Perrie. Typical. He's not even here for me to talk to. Therefor I either talk to Harry, but he wont understand, Liam, but he's busy with Dani all the time, or Niall. I guess Niall is the best option.

I dial his number and wait for him to answer.

"You have reached the 02 Messaging Service-"

Typical. Just when I need to talk to someone, the only person who wants to talk to me is the annoying 02 voicemail woman.

Do You Remember Summer 09? (Louis Tomlinson FanFiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant