Chapter 29: Drunk

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I arrive at the small bar in the centre of town and take a seat at the long bar. The pretty blond serving asks me what I'd like to drink and I order a beer.

A few moments later she slides a cool bottle along the bar, with a note attached. I pick it up to see a phone number and a name. I look up and she smiles at me. I rolll my eyes and slip the note into my back pocket.

Beer after beer after beer is knocked back without thought, and people come and go from the bar. A boy who looks not even a day over 18 walks into the dark building and takes a seat at the opposite end of the bar.

My mind starts to wander to what a guys so young is doing in here on his own on a Wednesday night. A few moments later a pretty young girl walks in and goes up to him at the bar. The boy, who I've not seen smile since he walked in, suddenly has a huge grin on his face as the girl envelopes him in a hug. They kiss as they pull away, and then walk to a table somewhere, hand in hand.

He reminds me of who I used to be. When I was just me. I was so happy everytime I saw that one girl. She turned everything sad into something to make me smile, and when I was happy she could make my smile grow bigger and my heart grow warmer.

But I threw it away because I'm an idiot. She doesn't deserve someone who's treated her like shit for the past 3 years. Even when we got back together I was horrible. She deserves someone better.

I order another drink and as the bartender hands me the bottle she asks me "So, what're you doing in here on your own tonight? Girlfriend break up with you?"

"Something like that." I reply, taking a sip of what I think is my 6th beer. I need to slow down.

"What's up?" She asks. taking a seat on the bar so her legs dangle beside me.

"Shouldn't you be serving people or something?" I ask.

"Does this place look busy?" She asks, gesturing around with her hand. I have a look around and she's right, only me, the young couple and some old guy are in here now.

"I guess not."

"Anyway, I asked what's up?"

"Had an argument with my girlfriend because I'm a dick and I think she broke up with me. We're on break, having space or something." I explain. I honestly don't know if this is a break-up or what the hell this is.

"Well my shift ends soon if you want someone to talk to about it and somewhere to stay?" She suggests.

"I probably shouldn't." I say.

"It's the least I can do." She smiles.

"What the hell okay." I reluctantly agree.


Her mouth is hot on mine as she pushes open the door to her apartment. She guides me to what is presumabley her bedroom.

I don't know how I got to this point but all I know is that I'm drunk, I'm hurting and I don't want to stop.





Anyway sorry for taking ages to update but I've been super busy and had writers block for a while but I'm back on the ball with more regular updates. Yayyyy :)

anyway hit me up, vote, comment, follow mehhh


By the way this chapter is dedicated to a good friend of mine because she is just shamaze so go follow her and hit her up and read her stuff. Thanks guyysssss :)

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