Chapter 31: Nothing

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I know I missed the exit I should have taken for Anne's house, I know I ran a red light when I drove out of town, and I know I'm doing well over the speed limit. What I don't know is what to think.

I feel nothing anymore. I don't even know if I'm surprised. I should be crying or something but instead im just staring at the road.

I should turn around now, get back on track for my destination. But I dont. I carry on driving.

It always felt like Louis and I were meant to be. As if there was something that would keep bringing him to me. But whenever he came to me it was ruined.

I turn right and I'm on the road back to my home in Doncaster. It's not far from here, 20 miles or so maybe.

Maybe be I'm the problem? I keep pushing him to be the perfect boyfriend I need but everyone wants hin to perfect, in reality he can pnly be himself.

A black Audi pulls into the lane infront of me at high speed and I swerve and beep my horn at him.

I want him though. I dont want him to be perfect. I want the Louis who used to hold me close when we were outside with our frienda and it was cold. I want the Louis who would take both my hands and kiss me on the forehead when I was sad. I want the Louis who would break out into song at the most inappropriate times.

I must have taken the wrong exit at the roundabout, because I notice i'm heading in the same direction as I came from.

I need to think about my feelings rationally though. Louis isnt that same person anymore. He cheated on me and that really hurts.

I pull over to the side of the road to clear my head and get my thoughts together.

I take the time to check my phone, on the off chance someone might have text me.

I have one message, probably Anne wondering where the hell I am.

I dont bother checking it I just pull out back onto the road, heading for Anne's house. No matter what I decide I wont be doing anything about it right now.


When I pull up Anne's driveway I notice they've bought a new car.

I climb out and grab my bag before heading up the path that leads to the front door. It opens before I can knock, and Anne gives me an unreadable smile.

"Hi, nice to see you Sophie." She beams. "Papaya! There's someone here to see you!" She calls after the toddler.

Papaya toddles through with her stuffed rabbit and a huge grin. She runs up to me and I crouch to envelop her in a hug.

"Are you here for your surprise?" She mumbles into the hug. What?

"What surprise, sweetie?" I ask.

"Don't ruin it baby!" Anne jumps in before the brown haired little one answer, scooping the beautiful girl up and placing her on her hip.

Im sure Iook like a complete idiot with a puzzled look on my face right now.

"We'll just be leaving" Anne smiles. "But I thought I was going to look after her while you visit your sister?"

"Change of plan." She says, picking up her bag and opening the front foor again. "Your surprise is in the kitchen." She tells me with a grin, closing the door aftrtwards.

I am so confused right now. It feels so weird being in someone elses house on my own, but right now my curiousity has the better of me and I want to know whats in the kitchen. I walk up the hallway and grasp the kitchen door handle. When ibpush the door open I dont know what to feel.

But it's not nothing any more.

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