Chapter 21: Both Hands

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"He loves you y'know. You should grab him while you still can. Both hands." He says.

I'm frozen. I hear the phone drop to the ground but my hand is still beside my ear where is was a second ago. I drop to the ground beside my phone, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.

And then I see it from his point of view. How he had to leave his girlfriend to follow his dreams, then he bumps into her and just wants to apologize, but she's holding a grudge. She sleeps with his best friend and then gets back together with him. Then she cusses him out in his car before running out infront of a bus. He proposes to her and she rejects him. Then he's forced to see her again. All the while he's in love with her.

I'm a bitch.

I'm a total and utter bitch. And I want to run into that room and drop to my knees, apologize through tears, tell him I love him and beg for the relationship back.

I can't though. No matter how much I want to. Not because I think I'd regret it. Because it's unproffessional.

And he might reject you. My bitchy sub-concious adds.


Maybe I should just do it. Not infront of everyone. After the session.

I scoop up my phone from the floor and make sure I've hung up before wiping the stray tears from my face and grabbing the water and power bars for the boys, and heading through to the dance studio.

I'm ready.

I'm going to grab him while I can.

Both hands.

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