Chapter 112

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Harry's P.O.V

@xxxxx: Oh my God! She's so cute!

@xxxxx: Did anyone notice she's got Harry's eyes?

@xxxxx: Harry called her his princess! #cutenessoverload

@xxxxx: Best One Direction concert ever! It was so cute to see them all like that!

@xxxxx: Louis said she doesn't like being away from Harry for long. She's really daddy's little girl.

@xxxxx: Just by looking at the boys with her, I know she's going to be spoiled rotten by her uncles.

@xxxxx: He looked like such a proud daddy!

Underneath that was a picture of me smiling widely as I looked at Niall who was dancing with Ameera while she had a small smile on her lips.

After the concert was over, it wasn't long until #AmeeraStyles had started trending worldwide on twitter. And I knew everyone was very excited and happy to see Ameera for the first time.

A hand being placed on my shoulder made me look up and I saw Tahira giving me a curious look.

"What are you looking at?" She asked and I smiled, taking her hand that rested on my shoulder.

"Fans reaction on tonight's concert." I said and she leaned down, looking at my phones screen.

"How does it look?" She asked and I chuckled, placing a kiss to her cheek.

"They love her." I said and she smiled at me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and rested her chin on my shoulder, looking at the screen as I scrolled down further.

"Where is she anyway?" I asked after a while and Tahira chuckled.

"Got a nappy change and then fed. She's with Louise and Lux right now." She said and I nodded.

Later when we went to find her, we saw she was surrounded by Lux's toys while Lux tried to teach Ameera how to play with them. But Ameera was just laying down quietly, her eyes travelling from toy to toy as she suckled on the bib in her mouth.

"Harry, she's not playing with me!" Lux complained once she saw us standing at the door and Tahira and I chuckled. Moving forward, we sat down beside her and I rubbed my hand on her head.

"She's too young to play with toys like you have, Lux." I said but she pouted at me.

"But I want to play with her!" She said and Tahira and I exchanged looks.

"Maybe soon, Lux. She's just a month old but she loves holding fingers." Tahira said and Lux looked at her confused. Tahira picked Ameera up and then put her little finger in Ameera's hand who immediately held onto it tightly. "See, like this." Tahira said and Lux moved closer to her.

She giggled when Ameera held two of Lux's fingers in her other hand. She shook her arm slightly and it made Ameera's head turn to look at Lux.

"You can play with her like this until she's a little older and I know she'd love to play with you then, Lux." I said and she grinned up at me.

Lux played with Ameera as much as she could after that while Tahira and I just smiled at her. But soon Ameera fell asleep much to Lux's disappointment and I started playing with Lux while Tahira went and settled Ameera on the tour bus.

Louise collected Lux soon after that and informed me that it was time for us to leave now. Tahira was praying when I walked on the tour bus, the boys talking quietly but Ameera was nowhere to be seen and I guessed she was in one of the bunks.

I joined the boys and after Tahira was done with her prayers, she came and joined me. We talked about the concert for a while, the one that just happened and the ones that are to come before we all went off to sleep.

But we got a call from the police too before we went to sleep. They said that the lad was just making an excuse and had actually come to kidnap Ameera but hadn't expected Tahira to be home. But for him knowing about Zubair, it turned out he had done a research on Tahira and me before coming to our house. And I was so glad that Omar had made Tahira take self defence classes.

The next few concerts went the same way. I'd take Ameera with me on stage as the concert used to start so that no one else was troubled for bringing her to me in the middle of it. But Ameera enjoyed herself. She'd always look around in surprise, at times almost cried when the screams got too much for her but the boys and I settled her down before she could.

And once she'd fall asleep or get hungry, I'd hand her to Tahira who stood separately in the crowd, just looking at us with a wide grin on her face as Ameera and I enjoyed each other's company on stage.

The fans loved her, too. So much that I used to find more pictures and videos of Ameera on the trends of the concerts than ours. But I didn't mind. I was just glad they loved my daughter.

The real hype started when the fans got to know who exactly was Ameera's godfather. It sometimes made me angry when I saw some fans claiming that Ameera was Louis' and my child, that Tahira was just a surrogate mother for us. I honestly couldn't believe them but before we could do anything, other fans slammed those rumours down and much to our surprise, with our marriage certificate showing both of our signatures.

It honestly boggled my mind how they found it but Tahira investigated using one of her accounts where she acted like a fan and soon discovered that someone had taken a picture of it on our wedding and uploaded it on twitter when the rumours broke out.

It was honestly a relief when that died down.

The media loved Ameera too. Well, all their articles just gushed about how cute she was, or how we behaved with her on stage.

We celebrated Ameera's second and third month birthday backstage. A cake was made by Sarah but it was us boys, mainly Niall, who finished it.

"Harry? " Tahira asked me one night and I hm'ed, burying my nose in her hair. "I was thinking... Eid is coming soon so I was hoping to take Ameera to India to celebrate it. Would you mind?" She asked but I frowned, confused.

"Didn't you celebrate it a while ago?" I asked and she chuckled.

"I'm talking about the Eid that happens after Hajj." Tahira said and I nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, that's okay then. When do you plan on going?" I asked.

"It's happening late August, but I think we should go by mid-month."


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