One week later Part 2

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   "Did you find one yet? Tom? Well did you yet? There's one week left." Sue asked me as I was walking to class.

   "No, I haven't I've been studying for those exams. I'm not doing so good in the classes and I'm on the verge of failing history so I got to study and hard. Besides I still have a week to get a costume." I replied.

   "Well you better not forget about it I'll drag you to that party naked if I have to and you know I WILL!" She said.

   "You know you can be very convincing when you want something and threating also. You wouldn't do that would you?" I asked her.

   "Just try me boy. Just try me." She said. Oh boy now I am in trouble. One thing I learned about Sue is NEVER challenge her. Sue loves a challenge and I've never seen her lose one yet. In grade school, 5th grade I think, Sue was challenged by one of the girls that she could swing higher on the swings than Sue. Sue took her up on the challenge and won but the other girl didn't fare to well falling off on the down swing and right out of the swing. She was the first 5th grader with dentures until her adult teeth came in and they weren't very straight either. Braces were in her future. Sue was gloating about how she beat her and well she did but at such a cost. Later one in her freshman year she was challenged to kiss a teacher in the middle of class. She did it and was suspended for about 2 days for here behavior antics. Her junior year another challenge. To date a guy that was really dull and didn't have the looks of a celebrity. Yep, that was me. Challenge taken and succeeded that's brings us to today. Still dating and with the knowledge not to challenge her with her past experiences. I decided I better just do what she said because I know she would drag me to that party naked if she had to. Like I said it's not smart to challenge her.

   "Ok. Ok, I get the message. Message delivered and received and understood. But  I still have to study for those exams or I'll be grounded and we won't be going anywhere anytime soon." I said.

   " Then you better get to studying and don't fail purposely to get out of our date or you'll regret it. I promise." Sue said with authority.

   " I won't, I won't, Sheesh. You know I'm having a hard time with history though. It's really tough this year more then last year and with Econ and government it's a nightmare." I said.

 " Get someone to help you study." She said.

   " Someone? Like who?" I asked.

  "Someone from your class or someone like me. We have the same courses." She said.

   "You really want to make sure I pass don't you." I said.

  " Why not?" She said.

  " Alright, just as long as it's for helping me not because of a certain party in question." I said.

   "Perish the  thought of me to be conniving just for a party. Heavens no. This for your benefit not mine." She said.

  "Yeah, right ." I mumbled not loud enough for her to hear. 

   "So what do you say? Want me to help you?" She asked.

   "Okay, I'll meet you in the parking lot after school." I said. Seeing that I had no other choice and  feeling totally defeated. 

   "See you then." She said as she skipped away humming something I couldn't recognize.

   After school I went out to the parking lot where my car was parked and there was Sue sitting on my hood waiting for me.

   " I thought you'd never get here." She chided.

   " I went to the library to get study guides and notes to help me along." I said.

   "Oh, we don't need those since we got each other." She said. "I'm better than any study guide or notes ever made."

   "OK, well let's get going your place or mine?" I asked.

   "Yours." She said.

   With that I started my jeep and left the parking lot and headed for home. On the way we were getting looks from the other girls as we passed them since they were walking. The look of shock on their faces made Sue giggle.

   "What's so funny?" I asked her.

   "Nothing really It's like we're on a date that's all." She said.

   "This not a date this is all business. Got it?" I said.

   " Sure. All business and not a date." She said with a little  amusement in her voice. This was going to be something when we get back to school. I just know something is going to happen and the cross hairs were on me that amusement in her voice I knew she was going to say something in school to  her gal pals and I would never live it down. At least she was going to help me in my classes that was the help I really needed. 

   Well I was surprised at how much Sue helped me with my classes. She was a lot smarter than I thought and true to her word this was all business no touchy feeley. Sue showed me a couple of tricks that work to get me through the tests and exams with ease. If I had known of these tricks and theories I wouldn't of needed the help. " If you were a little more outgoing Tom you would of known how these work. That's what friends do help you with problems. Why do you think I spend a lot of time with my gal pals?" Sue said.

   "I thought you all were preoccupied with going to the mall and such." I said.

  " Well, some of it is but when one of us has a problem with a class a boy or whatever we get together to find a solution. Like I'm doing with you right now. Helping you get through a problem." Sue said. " I can also help you find a costume also."

   " No, N.O. I'll find one trust me." I said.

   "Well, your running out of time. You only got one more week to find one."  She stated. 

  "I'll find one. OK? I'll start looking tomorrow. Is that OK with ma'am?" I said.

  "That will be fine. Make sure it's a good one also. Some of those cheap ones look like a garbage bag with glitter on them." Sue said.

   " Yeah I'm steering clear of those but it's hard to find one in my size." I stated flatly.

   " Just keep looking you'll find one I'm sure of it." She said.

   "OK I will" I said.

   Well the week went by and I flew through the test and classes with ease with Sue's help and just as I knew she blabbed to all her friends that we were going on a date which I asked not to do. Oh well let her have her fun I still got to find a costume. You never realize how hard it is to find one when you need one. When you're not looking for one you find several but when you need one you can't find one.

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