The day after the full moon Part 11

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Sue's P.O.V.

   I woke up shortly after noon. I had fallen asleep still naked since I was so tired I didn't even bother to put on my PJ's. I got up and went to the bathroom to do my morning routine hair, makeup, the normal stuff. I heard a knock on the door while I was doing my hair it was my mom. "Sue your father and I are going to the mall. We'll be back before dinner." Mom called out to me.

   "OK, mom have fun," I called back and with that I heard the front door close and the car leaving the driveway. "Finally alone. I can't believe what happened last night. But I loved every minute of it."

    I left the bathroom and walked back into  my room as my phone started ringing. "Hello?" I answered.

    "Sue? It's Tom are you all right. You're not hurt are you. Did you make it back ok?" Tom asked.

   "Slow down Tom one question at a time," I said.

 "I'm fine. I made it back just in time. I'm not hurt just a little embarrassed running into my mom in the nude." I said.

    "Yeah, So I heard," Tom said.

    "Who told you?" I asked.

    "Ash did. After talking to Sky." Tom replied.

   "Oh. I forgot about those two." I said.

    "Thanks a lot Sue. I love you too." Sky said a little annoyed.

    "Sorry, Sky." I said.

   "Hump." Sky grunted. I guess I made her mad.

    Tom started laughing. "Yeah, They are as much a part of us as we are of them."

   "That's for sure." I said.

   "Well at least you're ok that's the main part." Tom said. "Say can I come over? I can't stand to be away from my mate...err...girlfriend for too long."

   I started laughing. "Tom you big kidder. I know that I'm your mate now. We admitted that to each other last night."

   "I was hoping that you didn't change your mind and I didn't want to come on too strong either." Tom explained.

   "Nope. Didn't change my mind and since we already admitted it to each other you wouldn't come on to strong. I'm yours now." I said.

    "So can I come over?' Tom asked again.

    "Not right now. My parents aren't home and if they came back and see me with a boy in the house without them knowing it. Well, let's just say that you would be a dead werewolf." I said.

   "But I can't stand being away from my mate!" Tom whined.

   "Good things come to those that wait Tom." I said.

   "But." Tom started.

   "No, buts about it Tom you know that. Besides if it makes you feel better I can't stand being away from you but you know my parent's rules." I said.

    "Yeah. I know but someday." Tom said.

    "Someday we will be with each other forever. But for now we have to suffer a little bit more to get to that day." I said.

   "Ok, then I'll see you later my Luna." Tom said.

   "Later Tom my big strong Alpha." I said as I hung up my phone.

   I put on my swimsuit as it was hot that day and I wanted to get some sun. I walked out to the patio and got into a lounge chair and put some suntan lotion on. I laid there for a couple of minutes when a strange thought came to my mind. Why not get an all over tan? Nobody's  home and the neighbors can't see me so why not?  I stood up took off my swimsuit and laid back down naked. "Ah." I said. "This feels great." As I laid there I started to feel more comfortable more natural and fell asleep.

   I was awakened by a loud "Gasp!" My parents were home and my mom caught me again. "Sue! Just what do you think you're doing put your clothes back on this instant!" My mom yelled.

 "Sorry mom I just...." I started.

   "We will talk about this later young lady!" My mom yelled and turned around and stormed back into the house.

  "Oh, boy am I in trouble now." I thought. Then Sky answered me " Why don't you tell her the truth?" "What that I'm a werewolf and I talk to a wolf that's in my head? I Don't think so." I said. "Not that. That you felt more natural that way and didn't want any tan lines." Sky said.  "You think it will work?" I asked. "Couldn't hurt. Besides, do you have a better idea?" Sky said. "I see your point I'll try it." I said.

   After putting my swimsuit on I walked into the house and there was my mom red with anger. "What is going on with you? You walk around the house naked then I find you outside naked! Do you have a problem or something!? Answer me!!" She said with anger.

   "I...err....uh..." I stammered.

  "WELL?? I'M WAITING!!!" Mom said with fury in her eyes. Oh boy I'm going to get it now.

  "Just tell her what I told you." Sky whispered.

   "Well. You see. I.. uh... feel more natural that way and I didn't want any tan lines so...Ah....Since no one could see me and...I...Uh....decided to try a little nude sunbathing." I said shaking with fear.

   "So! You feel more natural that way. Huh?" Mom said.

   "Well...Yeah, I guess so." I said meekly.

   "My daughter is turning into a nudist. Is that it?" Mom asked.

   "No mom. I just wanted to try it once. That's all." I said.

   "No daughter of mine will ever do this again and if I....." Mom started.

   "What's going on in here?" My dad said as he walked in. Great I thought. I'm dead.

   Mom turned to my dad and told him the whole story of how she caught me coming out of the bathroom naked and now sunbathing nude. I just turned redder, and redder as she continued. My dad looked at me and smiled. "I don't see anything wrong about what she's doing. It's not like she's walking around town that way. As long as you keep it at home I see no problem with it." He said. My dad is so cool.

   "But...She." Mom started

   My dad put up his hand. " She's a teenager and teenagers do crazy things. Just tone it down a little for your mom's sake. Ok princess?" My dad said.

   "No problem dad thanks your the greatest." I said as I ran upstairs to my room while my mom stood there with a look of shock on her face.

 "See I told you it would work." Sky said. "It almost didn't. Thank god dad is so cool. I didn't think my dad was that open minded." I said. "I thought that your mom wouldn't go that ballistic on you." Sky said.  "Well, she was raised differently." I said.

    Later that night Sky woke me up. "Sue. Wake up Sue." Sky said. "What do you *yawn* want Sky?" I asked half asleep. "Let's go for a run." Sky said. "Now? It's the middle of the night." I complained. "You're a night creature now Sue. Get used to it." Sky said. "Oh alright." I said. I slipped on my slippers and my night gown and went downstairs to the back door.  I stepped on the patio and stretched my arms and got started to run when Sky stopped me. "You can't run like that." Sky said. "Then how?" I asked. "Take it off. You'll be covered with fur soon enough." Sky said. I took off my clothes and started running in the woods naked it was strange but I kind of liked it. I could feel the wind against my skin as I ran I felt alive and free. "This feels great." I said. "I knew you would like it. Werewolves don't have a problem with nudity. " Sky said. "Is that why I like being nude most of the time?" I asked Sky."Yep. Now here comes the fur." Sky said. In a few minuets I was covered with fur and I now felt wild and closer to nature. "Let's go get Tom, Sue." Sky said "Yes! My mate I been away from him too long." I said. I kept running to Tom's house mot knowing what was ahead of me.

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