Back to school Part 8

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Sue's P.O.V.


   I opened my eyes looking around saying. "What? Where am I?" It was then my eyes came into focus and realized I was in my room.

   KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK. "DO YOU HEAR ME SUE?" Mom yelled again through my door.

   I wearily said. " I hear you mom I'm awake. I'm getting up." I looked at my clock it was about 7:30 a.m. Yep, it was time to get ready for school. I got out of bed stiff and sore from being in bed for a long time. I started to walk to the bathroom when I heard a loud gasp.

   "SUE! Put something on you can't walk around naked." Mom said.

   "Sorry, mom I didn't realize it." I said and I continued to the bathroom. I went in did my morning routine. Hair, make up the normal stuff I've been doing for years except I was doing all this naked I don't know why and it didn't bother me either. Strange that being nude didn't bother me it always did before but now it didn't.

   I walked out of the bathroom and into mom. "Sorry, mom but I really, really, had to go." I said.

   "O.K. Whatever nature girl. Just don't make this a habit." Mom said.

   I smiled and laughed at the "nature girl" comment then walked into my bedroom to get dressed. As I was dressing I heard knocking on our front door and my mom talking to someone. I heard mom coming up the stairs and knocking on my door. "Honey. Tom's here to take you to school." Mom said.

   TOM my heart swelled just by hearing his name. "I'll be right down mom." I said. I hurriedly got dressed and raced downstairs right into Tom's waiting arms. I wrapped my arms around him and said. "I missed you so much." As a tear trickled out of my eye.

   "I missed you too sweetheart." Tom said.

   Mom just smiled and said. " You two do make a cute couple."

   Shocked I said. "What??"

  Mom just smiled and said. " I said you two do make a cute couple. My mother said that to me when she first met your father at my door when I was your age. That's all but you two do make a cute couple." Giggling a little when she said it. "Now you two run along and don't be late for school."

  "O.K. Mom we're going see you later mom." I said. Tightly gripping Tom's arm as we walked toward his jeep. Then left.

   "Sue?" Tom asked as he drove.

   "Hmmm?" I responded.

   "I've got to tell you something important." Tom said.

   "What is it?" I asked.

   "Well, it's that I... that is...we....I...How can I say this." Tom started.

   "Tom, just spit it out. It can't be that bad. Could it?" I said.

   "Well, here's go.... Sue I can't stand to be away from you. All the time I was at home all I could think about is you. I think I'm in love with you." Tom said. I was shocked and to think this boy was the one that was antisocial is now in love with me? The big problem is that I was falling in love with him also.

   "Tom that is so...."I started to say before Tom interjected.

   "I know you probably think that's stupid and that you're not in love with me or could ever be in love with me. I just had to say it. I do love you and I want to protect you and always be with you no matter what." Tom said.

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