A New Pack Member Part 26

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   I questioned the rouge who we all knew was Ben thoroughly. Ben looked physically drained after all the questioning that I gave him. He answered truthfully and he didn't have a clue that Dan was in another room watching him and listening to Ben's answers and body language. I must've grilled this kid for about four or five hours. after the interrogation I sent Ben to a holding cell as Dan and I reviewed his answers.

    "He seems to be genuine to me Alpha." Dan said.

    "I know....It's just....I don't know." I said.

   "Something he said bothering you Alpha?" Dan asked.

  "Yeah, It just seems too good to be true. Something about this kid I just can't put my finger on it." I said.

    "You think he's lying?" Dan asked.

   "Not totally, but some of his answers just doesn't make any sense. I mean he answered all the questions but some of the questions I asked him there would be no way he could answer them unless he has the greatest memory ever known." I said.

    "Let me put your mind at ease." Dan started. "You're still new at being a werewolf. Werewolves do have some of the best memory powers that a human couldn't even dream of. Werewolf parents can and do pass on thoughts and memories on to there offspring until their death. I still have the memories my parents passed on to me. It's like when you find your mate. When you are mated to your life mate your thoughts and memories go to your mate and their thoughts and memories go to you. It's like the mate bond. Parents do the same with their children. When you and Sue have your pups your thoughts and memories as well as Sue's will be passed on to them. That's how Ben knows so much about what happened during the war before his parents were killed." Dan concluded.  

   "So.. I'm being overcautious?" I asked.

   "Not at all Alpha. You're just new to the memory bond from parent to child. That's all." Dan said sounding reassuring.

   "Then I guess we start looking from someone to take him in." I said.

   "You and Sue could Alpha." Dan said. 

    "I don't think so. I want to have him to live with parents that can raise him as a werewolf not human/werewolf parents. Besides we're too young to be parents yet especially to a teenage werewolf." I said.

    "You're more a werewolf than you are  human Alpha. More than you think but if you think that's best then I'll ask around and see if anyone will take him in." Dan said.

    "Thanks Dan. What would I do without you." I said.

   Dan did find a couple that were more than happy to take Ben in. When I informed Ben that we would accept him into the pack and found him a new family he was so overjoyed that he started howling.

   "Excuse me Alpha. I got overexcited." Ben said red with embarrassment.

    "It's OK Ben. Welcome to our pack!" I said shaking his hand. Ben ran off to meet his new family.

       About a week later I started noticing something had changed in the pack. Dan seemed more secretive talking to the guards and a few others. I asked Dan what was going on and he said "Nothing to worry about just a few small issues were dealing with I'll let you know Alpha."

    A few days later things got worse. I started to feel alienated from everyone. People were whispering as I walked by. Sue felt this also. "What's going on Tom?" Sue asked. "It's like we grew two heads or something." Sue added.

   "I don't know Sue. Dan's not saying much to me either." I said.

   I went to find Dan and when I found him he was talking to the guards again. "Dan! My office NOW!" I yelled.

   "Yes Alpha? Is something wrong?" Dan asked.

   "You bet something is wrong. What's going on around here? Why are people avoiding us? Why are you always talking to the guards? I think if there is a problem I should know about it." I demanded.

   "Nothing to worry about Alpha. We've had a few reports that a rival pack has been spotted near our territory and I was making sure that we had everything covered. Your next question people are avoiding you because of the reports of the rival pack leaked out and the pack is worried that they are in danger and are hoping that the Alpha can handle a threat to the pack." Dan said.

     "Do you think that an attack is possible?" I asked.

    "Highly unlikely but I'm taking  no chances." Dan said.

    "I see but I should of been informed about this." I said.

    "Sorry Alpha I should've informed you. I failed to do that. I didn't want to bother you about something that could be nothing." Dan said.

     "It's Ok Dan. Next time please tell me," I said.

      "Yes Alpha. I will ." Dan said. 

   "Something doesn't feel right Tom." Ash said. "Ash! I thought you had left me." I said. "Nah. I can't leave you. You know that but something is wrong and Sky is worried also." Ash said. "What could be wrong? I don't see any indication." I said. "I don't know Tom but keep your eyes open I have a bad feeling." Ash warned. "Has this anything to do with Ben by any chance?" I asked. "I don't like him Tom. I don't trust him." Ash said. "I had the same thought but I haven't heard of any problems with him. He's doing good in school and loves his new family." I said. "Just be careful Tom for both our sakes." Ash said. "OK, Ash I will."  I said. "I'm going to go and try to calm Sky down." Ash said. "OK Ash. Is Sue OK?" I asked. "Sky said she's OK but a little unnerved." Ash said. "I'll try to get her mind off of problems. We haven't much time for each other with all this work I've had." I said. "A vacation would be good for all of us." Ash said. "All of us?" I said. "Tom you know where you go I go and where Sue goes Sky goes." Ash said. "Oh yeah I forgot sorry Ash." I said chuckling. "Sure Tom sure." Ash said sarcastically. "I'll tell Dan I need some time off with Sue." I said. "I can't wait a vacation! YAY!" Ash said. "Try to show some feelings Ash" I said and we both laughed.   

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