Zack Part 10

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Zack's P.O.V.

    I stood in the woods way back so Tom and Sue couldn't see me. I had to see how the new werewolves were making out.

   I'm Zack. A werewolf. I'm the one that bit Sue and knocked out Tom as he changed into a werewolf. I thought that Sue was a werewolf and I wanted her to be my mate. Only to find out she was in a costume and not a werewolf. Tom on the other hand was and I don't know how that happened. I lived at that mansion where they had that party and I was hiding in another room the workers haven't found yet while they did the remodeling on the mansion. My mansion. I have lived there for about 100 years. I really couldn't go out and say "Hi I'm Zack and I've owned this mansion for the last hundred years." when I look like I'm in my twenties.

   100 years ago I was awakened at night by some animalistic sound coming from outside. I put on my coat and grabbed my gun and lantern to find out what this sound was. It didn't sound like any animal that I knew of.  I went toward the garden as the sounds came from that direction. I heard a scream from an animal in extreme pain and growling sounds. I gripped my gun tightly as I looked for where these sounds were coming from. I saw in the lantern's light a figure laying on the ground not moving and a larger figure over the first. I shouted out at these two figures and the second larger figure took off with unbelievable speed. I ran over to the first figure and found out it was one of my hunting dogs torn in two and a half-eaten. I looked over what was left of my hunting dog wondering what could have done this to my dog. I got my answer sooner than I expected. While I looked over my dog I was hit from behind by some large furry thing. It had unbelievable strength and was bigger than myself as I was 6'5". I wrestled with this beast in the dark since the hit knocked the lantern from my hand. The beast tried to bite my throat to kill me instantly but I put my arm in front of my throat to prevent this beast from biting it. It bit my arm and it felt like it was trying to tear off my arm. I raised my other arm that still had the rifle and I managed to fire off one shot but I missed. The beast stopped as if it was stunned by the rifle blast and let go of my arm. I crawled away and cocked the rifle. I was near the lantern and I threw it towards the beast. The lantern smashed on the ground and ignited the fuel that was in the lantern tank. A great flare-up of burning fuel lit up the night and I saw the beast a werewolf. I aimed and fired another shot and hit the beast in the head the beast fell. Dead. I then passed out from the pain in my arm.

   I woke up the next morning in the woods. I saw the burn mark the fuel made but nothing else. The beast was gone. I got up and held my arm as the pain was less now and started to look around. I found my dead hunting dog and the werewolf's tracks leading to and from the dog and toward where I had woken up. I saw the last tracks about where I shot the werewolf but then the tracks ended. There was no body mark on the ground where the werewolf had fallen. Just some ash on the ground is all that remained where the werewolf stood last. No blood, no fur, no tracks, nothing. I knew I had hit it I saw it fall dead and If I did kill it where was it?   I looked around the area for about thirty minutes and found no trace of the werewolf. I decided to go back to the mansion and mend my sore arm.

   When I got back to the mansion I went into one of the bathrooms to grab the first aid kit. I took off my now torn shirt and discovered no teeth marks on my arm. Just some light pink spots in the shape of a large animal bite and now no pain either. Was it all a dream? Did this happen? Well, I knew my dog was dead and I had a torn shirt, a smashed lantern, a large burn mark in the garden, and a rifle with two empty shells. Something had happened but what? No beast was shot and no tracks from the beast either. I decided to not say anything to anyone and go out and bury my dog and go about as if nothing had happened.

   On the next full moon, I started to feel sick like I had a high fever. I began to drip with sweat then the pain hit like a wrecking ball. I doubled over from the pain in my gut and fell to my knees. I started to feel something happening to my hands. I looked at them and I had claws growing out from my fingertips. Another wave of pain hit me and I saw fur sprouting out of my skin. More pain in my legs as my feet broke out of my shoes and turned into paw-like feet with fur. Another wave of pain hit my lower back it felt like someone was trying to tear out my backbone that's when a tail grew out from my backside. The worst pain hit as my body expanded with more muscle mass I burst out of my clothes as the muscles swelled. A shot of pain hit my ears like the worst earache you could think of as my ears became pointed and started to shift to the top of my head. My face then pushed out into a muzzle with razor-sharp teeth. Fur covered my entire body. When the pain stopped and the changes stopped I rose and let out a powerful howl like a wolf. I was now a werewolf. When the beast that was a werewolf bit me it passed the curse on to me and now I am cursed to be a werewolf forever.

   The next day after I had changed back I decided to move into a hidden room and remain there forever. Needless to say, I locked myself away with shame and fear. Since I had stopped paying the bills and the property had been seized by the state for back taxes. The mansion and property had been deemed abandoned and for sale. Anytime a prospective buyer wanted to buy the mansion they soon discovered it was haunted (by me) and didn't want anything to do with it so it remained empty. Until now.

   Back to the present...... As watched the two new werewolves in the woods I noticed the female that I had bitten change into a werewolf with white fur. I thought I had finally found a mate. That is until I heard her male companion say "Mate, Mine, and Luna." That made me mad. When I heard her repeat it to him it made my blood boil. How dare he take my mate as his. She was to be my mate I passed the curse to her not him. I don't even know how he became a werewolf in the first place. I didn't bite him and I don't know of any other werewolves in my territory or anywhere else as I figured I was the only one that existed. There is going to be a fight and he is going to find out who the true Alpha is in this territory.  

   I noticed he (Tom) was a grey wolf color a weak color and she (Sue) was a pure white wolf a very rare and strong color indeed. I am a jet black wolf the strongest of all colors and that makes me the dominant one. The true Alpha. If he wants to challenge me he will not live to see the next day. I want my mate and I will stop at nothing to get her. 

   I saw them scamper away like pups and I had to laugh. They didn't bring any clothes to put on when they changed back to their human forms. I on the other hand always had some clothes with me I had hidden all around the woods for this reason. It only took me once to wake up naked in the woods and try to find my way back home unnoticed by other people very embarrassing. I followed Sue to her home and now I knew where she lived!

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