The New Alpha Part 21

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   Dan took me to the pack doctor. The doctor said that even though my arm was badly broken that it could be fixed. The slice in my gut would take a little longer to heal. I had Sue call our parents and also had made arrangements to have them picked up by Dan to come where we were at. After I had made the arrangements I passed out again as they wheeled me into surgery.

    When I came to I was thinking maybe all of this was a dream. As my eyes focused I saw Sue's smiling face and I felt better. "Morning Alpha." Sue said. 

   "It wasn't a dream." I said still groggy.

   "Nope. You are the Alpha now." Sue said.

   "Mom and dad?" I asked.

   "They are here. Dan picked them up as you requested. They are out in the waiting room. I'll tell them that you're awake." Sue said then left and the pack doctor came in.

    "Well. I see that our new Alpha is awake." The doctor said.

   "What happened it all seems to be a blur." I said.

   "Nothing to worry about. It's all normal. You had some horrific injuries during your fight with Zack." The doctor said.

   "Zack? What happened? I don't remember." I said nervously.

   "All normal your memories will come back soon." The doctor said. She took my vitals and said the I was healing great I should be up and around in a day or two.

   The doctor left and I heard a knock on the door. "Come in." I said.

   "Alpha?" It was Dan my new beta.

   "Yes. Dan what is it?" I asked.

   "The rest of the pack members want to know how you're doing." Dan said.

   "Tell them that I'm fine. I'm placing you in charge during my absence. If it's something serious then come see me." I said.

   "As you wish my Alpha." Dan said and bowed as he left.

    "Alpha this. Alpha that. Sheesh." I thought. "Well you are the Alpha now Tom." Ash spoke up.  "I do have a name you know." I thought. "They all know that. They are speaking to you with respect. After all you did defeat their old alpha." Ash said. "Which means what?" I asked. "Which means you're the Alpha of the pack. Their leader. Your word is law now." Ash explained. "This might take some time getting used to." I said. "Don't worry Tom I'll help you along the way. You just relax and heal up." Ash said. "I'm going to hold you to that." I said. "I know you will. But remember I'm part of as you are part of me." Ash said. I just laughed and Ash laughed also.  

  Knock, Knock. "Come in." I said. It was mom and dad.

   "How are you feeling dear?" Mom asked.

  "Just fine. A little banged up but I'll survive." I said.

  " You were a little more than banged up son. The doctor told us that you were close to death during surgery." Dad said.

  "OK....I'm really banged up." I said.

   "Train wreck banged up." My dad said.

   "OK.... I guess I have some explaining to do." I said.

    "Not at all. Sue told us everything." Dad said.

    "Everything?" I asked.

    "Everything." Dad said.

    "Oh, and uh... You guys are....uh.... OK with this?" I asked.

    "Yes. we are dear." Mom said.

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