A New Day A New Attitude Part 13

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Sue's P.O.V.

     The next morning I got up stretched and did my usual morning routine. I went downstairs and there was Tom. "You're here kinda early aren't you?" I said.

    "After what happened last night I just had to be here in case Zack came back." Tom said.

   "Well he didn't and I'm fine and......Just how long have you been here?" I asked.

   "All night after I went home got some clothes and came back." Tom said.

   "All night? Here!? In my living room!? Are you crazy???" I said.

   "Shhhh. Calm down. I was outside under your window. I had to come back I couldn't leave you alone knowing that Zack was out there." Tom said.

    " You even said that Zack's threat was empty and had no merit." I said.

   " Yeah, I know but just in case I came back to make sure." Tom said.

   "And just how are you going to explain to your parents that you weren't home at all last night?" I asked.

   "Remember. My parents don't really care what I do and I could care less what they think." Tom said.

   "TOM, Listen to yourself! Your parents love you and take care of you! Why are you acting so strange all of a sudden?" I asked.

   "All I care about is you and only you." Tom said.

   "TOM! What's wrong with you?" I asked.

   "Your my mate and I want you!" Tom said.

   "TOM! Why are you acting like that and why do you have that strange look in your eyes?" I asked.


  "NOOOO!!!" I screamed.

    RING, RING, RING. *THUMP* I fell out of bed. I looked around and found myself in my bedroom. RING, RING, RING, my phone was ringing.

   "Hello?" I answered.

   "Sue? It's Tom. Are you ok? Considering what happened last night?" Tom asked.

   "Tom. Where are you?" I asked.

   "At home where else?" Tom said.

   "So you're not here?" I asked.

   "No, should I be? You know your parents would kill me if they found me there. Besides what could I say to my parents if found me gone?" Tom asked.

   "Good." I said. It was a dream only a dream a nightmare but not real I thought.

   "Sue? Are you sure you're OK?" Tom asked.

  "Yeah, I'm fine I just had a bad dream that's all." I said.

   "Are you OK?  You know I can be there in a few minutes." Tom said.

   "No. That's OK Tom I'm fine now." I said.

   "You want me to pick you up and take you to school?" Tom asked.

   "Yeah. That would be great." I said.

   "OK see you later." Tom said and hung up. 

   I got up off the floor and I noticed I was covered in a cold sweat. "Just a dream that's all just a bad dream." I thought. I heard a yawn in my room I looked around and didn't see anyone then I realized it was Sky waking up. "Morning  Sue, how are you feeling today?' Sky asked. "Terrible. I had a bad dream that Tom was going to mark me against my will. That he was here all night. Didn't care about his parents or anything. He just wanted to mark me and that was it." I said. "Slow down girl. Take it easy. You know Tom loves you and would never do anything to hurt you." Sky said. "It just seemed so real." I said. "I think you got your wires crossed." Sky said. "How so?" I asked. "Easy. You had a bad experience with Zack last night and you put Tom in Zack's place and had Tom act like Zack not like himself. Ash would never let Tom hurt you in any way. Ash would tear Tom's brain apart if he ever did anything to hurt you." Sky said. "Yeah, but." I said.  "It was a dream Sue that's all. Don't let it bother you. Zack wants you to turn against Tom and then he can move in to take you over while you would be an emotional wreck for losing Tom." Sky explained. "So Zack did this? Did he enter my dreams? Like Freddy Kruger??" I asked. "Not entered your dreams but he gave you such a scare that your mind got everything all jumbled up." Sky said. " Well, he did scare the living daylights out of me." I said. "Be confident. Tom loves and wants to protect you and me from others like Zack." Sky said. "OK, I will." I said. "That's the spirit. Just remember that Tom loves you and when the time comes he will mark you and you will mark him also." Sky said. "When will that happen?" I asked. "Your instincts will kick in and then you two will be life mates. Tom won't mark you until you're ready and the same goes for you too." Sky said. "OK." I said. "You better get ready for school I don't think Tom wants to pick you up naked." Sky said laughing. "So true. Thanks Sky." I said. "No problem Sue. Anytime." Sky said.

   I took a fast shower and got dressed. I ran downstairs grabbed a pop tart just as Tom was pulling up in the driveway. "See you later mom." I said as I was leaving. "OK, dear have a good day." Mom said.

   I ran out the door to get in Tom's jeep. The moment I saw him my heart fluttered and that caused me to run faster. I jumped in and gave Tom a big hug and a kiss. "What's that for?" Tom asked.

    "Just for you being you and my mate." I said.

     "I like this." Tom said as he drove.

   We got to school Tom gave me a kiss before we parted and said that he loved me and told me to call him if someone was bothering me. I went to my first class and I was feeling empty without Tom. I wished he was in my classes so I could be near him.  I went to my second class and there was Tom. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in math right now?" I asked.

   "Not anymore. I changed my schedule to be in all your classes so I can protect you." Tom said smirking.

    "I'm actually glad you did. I feel so empty without you." I said.

     "I do too. Believe me, I can't stand being away from you." Tom said.

    We sat down and Tom sat beside me. "That's my seat Tom." Kirk said.

    "Find another seat Kirk." Tom said.

    "I SAID that's my seat." Kirk said.

    Tom looked at Kirk and said. "Find another seat Kirk."

   "Listen Tom if you don't get out of my seat I'll throw you out of there." Kirk threatened. Big mistake.

   Tom stood up and glared at Kirk. "Why don't you try Kirk." Tom said. His eyes turned to a gold color.

   "You asked for it." Kirk said and swung at Tom. Tom reached up and grabbed Kirk's fist and squeezed his hand so hard that I heard his knuckles cracking. Kirk went to his knees and started yelling "Stop! Please stop! Let go!!"

    Tom stood there with Kirk's fist and smiling. "Tom don't break his hand." I said.

   "But he." Tom started.

   "Tom let his hand go." I said.

    "As you wish." Tom said and released Kirk's sore hand.

   "This isn't over Tom. Not even close. I'll see you after school. In the parking lot. You better bring your "A" game cause I'm going kill you." Kirk said holding his hand.

     "Now you did it Tom." I said.

    "No, I didn't he did." Tom said.

    The news about a fight between Kirk and Tom spread through the school like wildfire and I of course was in the middle of it. I was worried that if Tom went too far fighting Kirk that he would kill him. I reminded Tom about Trevor and I hoped that Kirk won't end up like him. Tom smiled and said." Don't worry.  I won't lose control. He can't do much with a sore hand."

   The rest of the day went the same way. Tom had to sit next to me he threaten the guys and politely told the girls to find another seat. Lunch came and we walked down to the lunchroom arm in arm. We sat at our usual table with my gal pals. While I was talking to them I noticed Kirk talking to some of his friends and pointing toward Tom. I knew then it wasn't going to be a fair fight. Kelly even warned Tom that Kirk was planning to have some of his friends there to help Kirk. "How did you find this out?" I asked Kelly.

    "I talked to Jenny. You know Kirk's girlfriend and she told me what Kirk is planning." Kelly said. Tom looked unconcerned. "Tom, He's going to have two or three of his friends gang up on you." Kelly told Tom.

   "He doesn't want to fight me one on one what a coward." Tom said.

  "He doesn't care about that Tom all he thinks about is winning at any cost." Kelly said.

   "I'll just have to do my best. I'm not going to back down and look like a bigger coward than he is." Tom said.

    "Good luck Tom you're going to need it." Kelly said.     

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