An Unsettling Message Part 18

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   I tried to sleep that night but I couldn't. "Where are you my mate?" I thought. "I can't live without you." I turned and twisted in bed. I finally got up and went to get something to drink. Sensing my awaken state Ash yawned. "Can't sleep either Ash?" I asked. "No, not at all." Ash said. "I still haven't heard anything from Sky either." Ash said. "It's no better on this end either." I said. "I can't understand why she won't answer me." Ash said. "I can't understand it either. It's like they just disappeared into thin air." I said.

   I tried going back to bed even though I didn't want to. I must of fallen asleep from pure exhaustion because when opened my eyes light was streaming into my window. "Wow! Morning already? How long was I out?" I wondered. I looked at my clock and it said 11:00 A.M. "Jeepers, I've got to look for Sue!"  I started to get dressed when I heard Ash wake up. "Morning sunshine." Ash teased. "Very funny Ash. Verrrrry funny." I said. "Whoa, easy boy, down boy, I was just kidding." Ash said. "How can you joke at a time like this when my mate is missing and we don't have any idea where she is!" I said with anger. "Hey! My mate is missing too!" Ash said. "Come again?" I asked. "Oh ...I...Well..." Ash stammered.  "I'm waiting." I said.  "Well." Ash began. "Remember when you found out that Sue was your mate?"  Ash asked. "Yes." I answered. "Well you weren't the only one that found a mate." Ash said. "Really ." I said. "Yes. Well Sky is my mate." Ash admitted.  "Why didn't you tell me this before?' I asked him. " I thought that it was obvious that Sky is my mate. I mind link with her and I ....I..." Ash said. "You're in love aren't you." I said. "Yes." Ash said lowly. "Hey it's nothing to be ashamed of. Does Sky love you also?" I asked. "As long as you two love each other Sky's and I love each other as well." Ash said. "Then what are we waiting for let's go find our mates." I said. "Right on! Let's go." Ash said.

   I went downstairs and saw my parents watching T.V.  "I'm going to look for Sue." I said.

   "Be careful dear. Don't do anything stupid and get arrested again. I don't know if I could go through that again." Mom said.

    I kissed my mom and said, "Don't worry mom I'll be careful. I'm not going to do anything crazy like that."

   "You know the police still are considering you as a suspect." My dad said.

   "Yeah I know. But I've got to find her. I can't live with knowing she's out there somewhere and could be hurt or something. I've got to find her. That's all that matters to me now. Finding my mate." I said.

    "Mate?" My dad asked. "Son, Did you do something to her that you two are in...Well...You know."

    "No Dad. I didn't get her pregnant." I said.

    "Good. But what's this "mate" business?" My dad asked.

    "Mom? Can you help me with this I really need to go look for Sue?" I asked.

    "Don't worry son. I explain it to your father. You go look for your mate." Mom said.

    "Thanks. Mom. You're the greatest." I said.

    "What am I missing here? What's this mate business?' My dad asked.

   "Sit down honey, It's a long story but I'll fill you in." Mom said as she started to tell my dad what was going on. I went out the door as she was explaining everything to my dad. 

    I got into my jeep and called Jenny and asked for any news. Nothing came in and she was worried. "I'll keep looking Jenny. I'll find her or die trying." I said.

   "Just don't die before we find her." Jenny said.

   "OK, No dying. Until I find her." I joked.

   "Oh, brother." Jenny said

   "Thanks, anyway Jenny I know you guys are trying your best." I said.

   "No problem dude. She's our friend too you know." She said.

   "Yeah, I know thanks again." I said.

   "I'll let you know if I hear anything." She said and hung up.

   I searched for hours. The mall, restaurants, movie theaters any place I could think of, still nothing. "Ash? Any luck?" I asked. "Nope, not a thing. I'm getting worried Tom." Ash said. "I know Ash I'm worried too. Where could she be?" I said. "I don't know Tom I wish I did. I really wish I did." Ash said.

   I returned home for dinner since now it was late and saw my mom with a letter in her hand. "This came in for you but there's no return address on it." Mom said.

   "That's strange." I said. "How's dad doing? Knowing that his son is a werewolf?" I asked.

   "It wasn't easy. He's in the den with a drink in his hand." Mom said.

   "I figured it wasn't. I'm glad he didn't leave or call the loony bin to pick us up." I said.

    "Well he did have a look of shock on his face." Mom said.

    "But it went all right?" I asked.

    "I don't know all he said was 'I don't believe it. I don't believe it.'  Over and over again." Mom said. 

   "Quite a shock huh?" I said.

   "Yes. But I think he'll be OK." Mom said.

    "OK. I'll go clean up." I said and went upstairs.

     After I cleaned up a bit I opened the letter I got a shiver down my spine as I read it. It was from Zack!  It read: Can't find your mate? That's too bad. Maybe she found someone new and rejected you. I think she came to her senses and found a better mate. A stronger more handsome mate. Oh, that's right she doesn't have any senses right now. She's sleeping very soundly in my bedroom. She looks so cute when she's sleeping.  She'll look a lot better when I claim her as MINE! I think I'll mark her so she will be mine! No, not now. I'm going to wait for you to come here. There can only be one Alpha, pup. I'm the alpha in this territory. Come to my mansion. I'll be waiting there with your former mate. This will be a fight to the death. Your death! I can't wait to see her carry and bear my pups.

                                                                                                                                 ZACK The one and only ALPHA!

   That made my blood boil. Ash couldn't control me. I went berserk and I shifted into my werewolf form. I let out a tremendous howl that I'm sure they heard in the next town. My parents ran upstairs to find out what was going on. As they got to my door they heard glass breaking. My dad broke through the door to find an empty room with a broken window and a crumpled up piece of paper on the floor next to my ripped up clothes. "What the devil happened in here?" My dad exclaimed. Mom looked at the crumpled piece of paper. She picked it up and read it. She gasped. "What's wrong?" My dad asked as my mom was standing there shaking with the letter in her hand. My dad grabbed the letter and read it. "OH GOD!" He yelled. "It's a trap!"          

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