It Was A What? Part 28

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   I slowly opened my eyes as I saw the light streaming through a window I wondered where I was. I was in a soft bed that felt familiar to me. I tried to focus my eyes so I could get my bearings and see where I was. Rubbing my eyes I still couldn't get them to focus. I had no pain in my chest from the knife but I felt weary like I had run a marathon. I looked around still blurry and called out for Sue. "Sue? Are you there? Sue?" I got no answer. I rolled to the side of the bed and put my feet on the floor. I tried to stand up but fell. The floor I was looking at looked familiar to me but I couldn't place it. "Where am I?" I thought. I still couldn't focus. Then I heard a familiar voice.

    "Tom? Was that you? Are you all right?" The voice said.

   I tried to answer but all I could do was mumble something that sounded more like a growl that anything else.

   "OK. As long as I know your alive." The voice said.

   "Where have I heard that voice before?" I wondered. "Ash? Are you still there? Ash?" No answer. I wonder where Ash was. He's always with me. Where is he? I really needed him now more than ever. 

   I started to focus and I realized I was in my old room at my parents house. The voice! That was my mother calling out to me. Am I dreaming? The last thing I remember is that Dan had stabbed me and everything went black. I checked my chest and saw no wounds. Maybe I'm dead and I'm in heaven. If I was, why am I in my old room? This doesn't seem like heaven. Maybe it's not maybe I'm in "OH NO! NOT THERE! PLEASE NOT THERE!" I nearly screamed.

    After I screamed I heard footsteps running toward me. "Tom? Are you OK? Tom say something." It was mom.

   I grabbed hold of my mother as I was still on my knees in my room. "How did I get here? Why am I here? What happened?" I asked.

   "Calm down Tom. Calm down." My mother said as she stroked my head. "You're all right now. Just calm down."

    "But what happened? How did I get here?" I asked.

    "You've been in a coma for days." She said.

   "Days? How many days? Where is Sue?" I asked.

   "You've been out for a few weeks. Sue's at home." She said.

   "Is she alright? What happened to her?" I asked.

   "Nothing Tom. She's fine." She said.

   "What happened?" I asked.

    "Car accident. Your jeep is totaled." Mom said.

    "And Sue?" I asked.

    "Just fine you were the only one in the jeep when it happened." Mom said.

   "What about the party?" I asked.

    "The party was a week ago. You missed it." She said.

   "The costume. What about my costume?" I asked.

   "What costume?" She asked.

   "The werewolf costume I bought. Where is it?" I asked.

   "I never saw one." She said.

   "I know I bought one. I remember going to a store and buying one.......And then the store wasn't there when I went back to it." I said.

    "When did this happen Tom?" she asked.

   "I bought the night before the party." I said.

   "You were in the hospital the two nights before the party so if you went to a store that night I want to know how you got there with a totaled jeep and hooked up to monitors and an I.V. while unconscious." Mom said with a smile.

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