Graduation Part 23

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    Graduation is coming up in a day or two. My arm had healed enough to get that itchy cast off.  Thanks to the teachers and the tutors and of course Sue I made it. A hard road to follow but I made it. Sue is planning a party to celebrate and with the pack's help it should be a good one. "This will be the greatest party ever." Sue squealed.

   I was making plans for the full moon festival. That is when I claim Sue as my mate and mark her and she would then become the Luna. Dan and I were hard at work for the full moon festival. We knew that the whole pack would come. Dan said it was a passage of life that every Alpha must take. Taking a mate is like getting married. Sue and I would be soul mates and we would also be mind linked. After the festival we could have a ceremony for our human side family if we wished. Our parents would be invited to both festivals of course.

   Sue was super excited but I was getting a little nervous. "A little jumpy Alpha?" Dan asked.

   "Does it show that bad?" I asked.

  "Yes. You've been pretty jumpy the last couple of weeks." Dan said.

  "Well, This is something I didn't expect." I said.

  "Expect? What's not what you expected?" Dan asked.

  "Graduation I expected. Taking a mate a week later is pretty quick don't you think?" I said.

   Dan laughed. "Taking a mate jitters, Aye?"

   "Well....." I started.

   Dan looked at me with a twinkle in his eye. "Don't worry about a thing. You're not the first Alpha to get the jitters. Just let nature takes it course." Dan said.

    "But what if I mess it up? What if I mark Sue where I'm not suppose to? What if bite to hard and wound her?" I said.

   "What if. What if. Don't worry as the full moon gets closer you'll do fine. The moon goddess has chosen you two as mates . Nature will takes it course. Just rely on your instincts. That's all you have to do." Dan said. "Now relax Alpha." 

   "It's just...I I don't know." I said.

   "Relax Alpha if you keep worrying about it you're going to go insane and if you do the pack will turn on you thinking that you're a weak Alpha and someone will challenge you." Dan said.

   "I just don't know. I don't know if I could even lead the pack. I don't think I'm an Alpha." I said.

   Dan put his hands on my shoulders. "Tom. Don't ever think that. You are the Alpha. You will be a good leader. I'll help you as much as I can. Believe me but most of all believe in yourself. Look inside your heart. There is an Alpha in there." Dan said softly. This was the only time that he used my actual name so I knew he was speaking from his heart. "Now Alpha, What should do for the festival?" Dan asked in a regular volume.

   "Thanks, Dan I needed that." I said. Dan just smiled.   

   Sue was as giddy as a schoolgirl bouncing around giggling and laughing all the while putting up decorations. The women of the pack decided to do all the food preparations and handle the menu. The men were picking up supplies and mailing out invitations. I wanted to have it at the mansion but after my so called renovations at wasn't possible so we were going to have it at the pack house and grounds. Sue had invited everybody she could think of. I told her that some of them aren't going to come if they were having a graduation party with their families at the same time. Sue said "I  know."  and skipped away. She was so happy and I was happy that she was my mate.

   Graduation had come and Sue and I got our diplomas. Sue let out a squeal when she got hers. Me on the other hand after I walked from the principal with my diploma I let out a howl. Everyone turned and looked. I covered my mouth with my hand and chuckled. "Not a bad howl for an Alpha there." Ash said.

   The next day was the party I was surprised how many people had shown up. There had to be more than 100 people. We had all the pack members, Schoolmates from our new school and schoolmates from our old school. "Wow. This is going to cost a fortune." I said looking over the crowd.

    "Don't let it bother you Alpha. You can afford it." Dan said with a smile.

    I scanned the party goers and I noticed someone I didn't remember ever seeing. I called Dan over to check this guy out. "What did he look like." Dan asked.

    "He was over by the door. Wearing jeans, boots and a leather jacket. Black hair and a scar on his left cheek." I described.

    "I'll have a look now go enjoy yourself. I'll take care of everything." Dan said.

    "Thanks Dan." I said.

   I went back to enjoying the party when I felt a tap on my shoulder. " Alpha? A minute?" Dan said.

   "Sure Dan what's up." I answered.

   "I think we'd better go to your office." Dan said with a serious look on his face.

   We entered the office and Dan closed the door. "Alpha. I don't want this to concern you but The person you described. Was a rouge and looking for a pack. I don't know if wanted to join or take over but he was eyeing Sue quite a bit." Dan  said. I could feel my anger starting to buildup.  "I had a couple of guards follow him and he wanted to speak to you but we told him that this was not a good time."

   "Calm down Tom" Ash said. "Nobody but nobody touches my mate but ME! She's MINE!" I stressed.

   "Alpha. I understand your concern but he was led out of the area. He went peacefully but he said he would be back in a couple of days." Dan said.

    "Keep an eye out for him if he tries anything with Sue. Kill him." I said.

    "As you wish Alpha and if comes to speak to you?" Dan asked.

   "Bring him to me with a couple of guards. I want to hear him out first." I said.

   "As you wish." Dan said.

   The party started to die down around two in the morning. Sue and I were tired and decided to go to bed. I went to the bedroom and started to undress as Sue went to the bathroom down the hall. As I was totally undressed I heard the door open and shut behind me. I turned around and there was Sue totally naked. "Hey there Alpha. Want some company?" Sue asked.

   "As long as it's you. Anytime." I answered.

   We got into bed and Sue cuddle up to me. "My Alpha. My big strong Alpha. My mate." Sue said.

   "My sexy Luna, My mate." I said back.  

   "Always and forever. I love you Tom." Sue said.

   "Always and forever. I love you too.: I said.

   "Good night my Alpha." Sue said.

   "Good night my Luna." I said. We kissed the fell asleep feeling closer than ever.

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