The Party Part 5

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   We started off toward the mansion when I looked over at Sue she was sitting there with a weird smile on her face. "What are you thinking Sue?" I said.

   She just smiled and Said, "I was just thinking about what I said earlier about us as mates." She then grabbed my arm and started to rub it up and down.  I had this strange feeling come over me at that moment. I felt tingles in my arm where she was rubbing it and the thought of mates didn't sound so bad. Wait a minute....Why am I thinking that? This is just a party that we're going to and we just happened to be wearing the same style costume. That's all this is. Why am I thinking about having a mate? I have a girlfriend not a mate. Why is my arm tingling? Sue started to snuggle into my arm stroking it. A strange feeling came over me as she stroked my arm it felt like I could feel the fur being moved as she stroked it and it had a calming effect also. Strange. I dismissed it as a coincidence of wearing a costume.

  "Sue...Sue...SUE! Wake up!" I said.

  Sue shot up and looked around saying "What... what?"

  "You fell asleep." I said. " We're here."

   She looked around and said, "COOL! Look at this place. It's huge. There's got be a hundred rooms in there."

   I parked my jeep where a few other cars were and got out and helped Sue out of the jeep. "Such a gentleman Tom. For a werewolf." She laughed. I chuckled too at it was the perfect one liner. We walked up to the front door and I said, "Wasn't this place empty and abandoned?"

  Sue said. "I think you're right."

  "Maybe our host whoever it is bought the place and fixed it up." I said.

   I knocked on the huge oak door. CREEEAAAKK! The door slowly opened. "Oh, Tom this is just like in those old horror movies. This is GREAT!" Sue exclaimed.

   We walked into a dark room when suddenly the door slammed shut with a loud BOOM! Then FLASH all the lights came on and a voice said. "Welcome to the party."

   We looked around and saw some of our classmates all in costumes and the mysterious voice came from Dan Black one of the richest kids in the state. "Hi, Sue. Hi, Tom, I'm glad you came. Welcome." Dan said. He dressed up as Dracula and looked cool in it. "Or should I say I am Dracula I bid you velcome to my humble aboded." Dan said it in a voice that sounded like the old Dracula movies. He nailed perfectly.

   "Hey, Dan I didn't know you own this place." I said.

   "My dad owns it actually he bought about 6 months ago. We've been working on it a lot lately. I asked my dad about having this party here and he said no problem."

   "Well, The place looks great and that entry with the door is perfect with the costume party." I said.

   "By the way, you two look great as werewolves. Are you two coming as mates?" Dan asked.

   "YES, WE ARE, YES WE ARE! Sue yelled jumping up and down.

   I just rolled my eyes. "No, not mates, dates." I said.

   "Oh, Tom your no fun. Phooey." Sue said. Dan just laughed.

   "Well, whatever you two are mates or dates who cares just come in and have fun. That's what you came here for. Right?" Dan asked.

   "Yep, we sure did." Sue said and ran inside.

   "Kind of a wild one huh. Tom." Dan said.

  "Yeah," I said.

  And just like I thought she ran right to her girlfriends and left me behind. Oh well just like I thought I guess I better look for that dark corner and stay out of sight.  I looked around for a while and ended up at the punch bowl. Someone really put some thought into this stuff. There was a hand and spiders and a few eyeballs in it and the punch was blood red. "This punch tastes better than it looks Tom. Try it. Don't worry it's not spiked." Dan said. "By the way Tom where did you get that great costume I have never seen one so lifelike ever."

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