Sue hears voices Part 7

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   Drew's funeral was two days after the attack at the mansion. The whole football team, coaches, teachers, and administrators. Along with a lot of friends and family. Sue came even though I thought that she was still emotionally distraught. Sue told me the day before the funeral that if she wasn't there she would never forgive herself.

   I led her away from Drew's gravesite holding her as she tried to walk. I took her home and asked if she was ok. She said. " Yes, I'm alright. Please don't leave me yet. I still need you. When you hold me in your arms I feel so safe and secure." This was kind of strange since I had the same feelings also when I held her and I felt lost when we were apart.

   "I never want to let you go. I want to protect you. I want to love you forever." I said. Whoa, where did that last part come from? I heard some laughing in my head. Ash. "Nice one." I told him. He continued to laugh then said, "You should never let your guard down if you going to be an alpha."

   "What are you talking about. An Alpha? What's an Alpha?" I asked him.

   "You have a lot to learn. Alpha. A lot to learn." Ash said. Then he went silent again.

   I decided to leave and go home even though I really didn't want to but I had to. I decided to let Sue sleep. Her mom told me I'll call you if something happens. "Thanks, I appreciate that." I said and with that, I returned home.

Sue's P.O.V.

    As I slept I had an empty feeling that something was missing. Tom had gone home and I was alone in bed when I heard a voice. A female voice but not my mother's voice. "Suuuue, Suuue wake up." The voice said in my head.

    "Who's there where are you." I asked.

   "It's me. Sky." The voice answered.

   "I don't know anyone named Sky." I said.

   "Oh, you and I will become very close." The voice said.

   "Who are you? Where are you?" I asked.

   "I'm Sky. Like I said before. I'm inside your mind so to say." The voice said.

  "I'm going crazy. First, the attack, and now I hear voices in my head. I'm going nuts." I said.

  "Don't be scared, Sue. You're  just fine." The voice said.

   "I'm so confused. What's happening to me." I said.

   "Easy there Sue. Let me explain." The voice said soothingly.

    "O.K.  Shoot." I said.

    The voice continued. "As I said I'm Sky and I'm your wolf."

   "MY WHAT???? A WOLF????" I yelled in my head.

   "Will you calm down so I can continue please?" Sky asked.

   "Sorry, this is a little strange to me." I said. "But a wolf? I'm a wolf?"

   "As I was saying I'm your wolf. When you got bit by the thing as you called it. It woke me up. The thing that bit you was a werewolf. Now you're a werewolf also." Sky said. "Is this sinking in?'

   "Uh...Yeah.....I guess." I said.

   Sky continued. " O.K. Now you're a werewolf and you have a mate that's a werewolf also. Can you guess who?"

  "Ah... No... Who?" I asked.

   "Tom!" Sky said.

   "Tom? Is he the one that bit me? That S.O.B. wait until I get a hold of him! Boy. Is he ever going to pay for this!" I exclaimed.

   "Hold on... Hold on." Sky said. "Tom's not the one that bit you that was a rogue wolf that happened to wander through and saw the party and decided to make his presence known. Sort of say. He saw you and probably thought you were another werewolf and wanted to claim you as his mate but was attacked so he fought back and left. Leaving you behind when he found out that you weren't a true werewolf. But passed the curse or gift to you and as a result. Here I am.

   "Uh......I've got a massive headache. " I said.

  "You should you've been in bed for a few days now." Sky sassed.

  "Does Tom know all of this?" I asked.

  "Yes. He does his wolf has been talking to him. Ash is his wolf's name." Sky said. "And...Ash has told Tom that you were his mate."

   "Mate?" I said. "What's a mate?"

   "Something like a soul mate. You can't stand to be away from him and he can't stand to be away from you. He will protect you and fight to the death if need be for his mate."  Sky explained.

    "Aren't he and I a little young for this? I mean we're both still in school and all that." I said.

   "That doesn't matter. When a wolf finds his mate that's all that matters." Sky said.

   "So.. Now what I go over there and throw myself at his feet? Saying take me... take me I'm yours?"   I said.

   "You don't have to be that dramatic." Sky said. " Besides Tom hasn't said anything to you yet."

   "No, he hasn't. I wonder if he feels the same way." I wondered.

  "Believe me he does. 100%. While you were asleep he carried you to bed and when he placed you on your bed your arms automatically went around him. Then Tom whispered into your ear.. 'Mate.... Mine.' from then on that was it. He sort of claimed you as his mate but not totally." Sky said.

   "What do you mean? Not totally He said 'mate and mine isn't that a claim?'" I asked.

  "Well, Tom is having a hard time accepting Ash as his wolf also. To be totally mated he and you have to mark each other." Sky explained. "Then you two will be as one and mates for life."

   "Mark me? How?" I asked.

   "One day you two will be kissing and in the heat of the moment his canines will come out and he will bite you on the neck just enough to break the skin not take a chunk out of you. You will do the same also to him. When that happens you two will be mated. Oh by the way there is another step also if you KNOW what I mean." Sky said.

   "Yep. I think I KNOW what you mean." I said.

   "When that happens he will be the alpha male and you will  be the alpha female or Luna of your pack." Sky said.

   "Whoa! Slow down. Slow down. Alphas? Luna? A pack? I don't understand." I said.

   "All in good time Sue. All in good time. Just follow your instincts you'll figure it out. I know you will." Sky said. And with that, I slipped into a deep sleep not knowing if all this was a dream or real. I wonder what tomorrow will bring or if remember anything that Sky told me or push it aside and write it off as a silly dream and forget about it. But what if it wasn't a dream. Does that mean Tom and I are mates? Is that why I feel safe in his arms and empty when I'm not?  And didn't his arms seem bigger also? He was acting really overprotective of me at the party is that when I became his mate? Or am I being silly? Or is this for real? So many questions. So little information. What am I going to do? Darkness fell over my mind and I was out like a light.

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