How It Began Part 15

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Tom's P.O.V.

    After the fight to prove my dominance to Kirk and company Sue asked me a question.

    "Tom?" She started.

   "Yes, my mate." I answered

   "When and how did you become a werewolf? I mean I was bitten that's how I got changed. But what about you Tom? How did it happen?" Sue asked me.

    I thought for a moment running through my memories trying to think how it happened. "I think it had something to do with that costume I bought. I know I wasn't bitten or anything. That's the only thing I can think of. I never felt this way before. Only after I put that costume on." I answered.

    "Where's the costume now?" She asked.

    "I don't know. When I woke up in my room after the party I was naked and my costume was gone. I haven't seen it since and come to think about it. That's how this whole thing started." I said. "But I don't care I have my mate and that's all I care about now."

    "I think you need to go back to that store and talk to the owner. They might have an answer to what's going on." She said.

    "Why should I? I have you my mate and that's all that matters to me now." I said.

    "Tom what if you get more possessive of me? What if you by accident kill someone? What then? You'll be in prison for the rest of your life." She said.

    "And not be able to get to you either." I said lowly.

    "You got to get to that store and ask some questions." She said.

    "Like what? Hey, your costume turned me into a werewolf. Or I bought your costume and now I'm a wolf. Come on Sue. If I say anything like that I'll be in the loony bin for life." I said.

    "Not like that! More like what material was that made from? Or Where did the costume come from? Questions like that so you don't raise suspicion." Sue said.

    "Sounds like a plan." I said. " I'll do that tomorrow since it's Saturday."

   "Let me know how you make out when you get back." Sue said.

   "Oh no! You're coming with me period." I said.

   "Tom. Why? You're the one that bought the costume and I wasn't there when you did. I don't even know where the store is. I'll look like an idiot." She whined. I hate when she does that since she knows when she whines she'll always get her way. Not this time.

    "You're going with me and that's FINAL!" I said stressing the "final" part.

   Sue just cringed and said "OK, OK so I'm going. You don't have to be so mean about it."

   "I wasn't being mean I was being.......Directive. Yeah, that's it. I was being directive not mean. I can be mean about it if you prefer that my beautiful mate." I said.

    "Directive, huh? And why did you add the word 'beautiful' to the mate part? Flattery will get you anywhere with me." Sue said. I just blushed knowing I got caught.

    "Nice blushing there boy." She said. I just blushed even redder than before.

   "I love you Sue. My beautiful, wonderful, amazing, and understanding mate." I said.

   "Oh boy, it's getting deep in here. I should've worn some high hip boots to get through this." Sue said. I just kept on blushing.

     " So you'll go then?" I asked.

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