Chapter 1. Child

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Chiyoko's point of view

Over the years you get to see a lot of people change, die or disappear but the consequences of their life are still here for everyone to see. Villages, which crumbled to the ground, are now empires ruling the Ninja World. Kage after Kage, these villages continue to evolve, but you know what stays the same in all of these stories? Me. And I will definitely not change.

Mizukage's office is by far one of the most boring places you can be. For a village so beautiful this place is as dull as plain water. He called me in the middle of the night so no-one can see just to ask if I need something. Sometimes, more like every single time, when I deal with a new Kage, I must remind them that if I don't want to be seen, I can do it at every time of the day, but will they listen? No. They go all the way to bring someone put an invisibly jutsu on me so I can be in his office.

I'm stucked in this place for another six months just because I accepted to let this word evolve. Now I have no choice but to be patient and go from one village to another, always careful not to be seen by someone, hidden in the ANBU's houses and occasionally taking care of missions they can't do on their own or sharing information which they lost.

I just want to be myself for just once in a while. I want to have my life back. Now I must watch over the tailed beasts and make sure that they are okay. I'm the only one that can control them all. Damn! I can control everything that has chakra or is just breathing. I am the begining of everything and I have all types of powers. For a lot of years I've been hiding after I gave Kaguya a small amount of my chakra and told her to tell everyone that she ate that stupid fruit. Everybody was so surprised, I haven't given her even 5% of my Chakra and they all kissed her feet, but didn't fear her as previous generations used to fear me because she wasn't that powerful.

I showed myself years later hoping that maybe ninjas will finally understand that they don't have to worry about anything. I can take care of it so shut the hell up and listen to what I say. I mean they fear me so they try to keep me hidden till I die. I, hello, I can't die! I've been living for so many centuries and I still look like a 19 years old, just how much time will you wait until I die?

The Mizukage calls an ANBU and tells me to wait for a little bit, slowly pouring me a cup of tea. Yeah I have enough time. Then a man with a white mask painted with blue comes in and kneels in front of the Mizukage. I smirk and let a small "Tsk" come out of my mouth, looking at his very low Chakra level. Phatetic, he is so weak that I can't image how he fights, but that's to be expected for a simple ninja. He talks a few seconds with Yagura and then looks at me waiting for me to follow.

Hmm let's play a little. I take off this mask without him even realising it. After a few seconds he opens his eyes wide and stares at his mask that was now in my hand. He tries to take it, but I am just too fast for him. The Mizukage wanted to say something but shut up after I went near him in 0.1 seconds, I whispered him something and then go back playing with the ANBU.

After a few minutes of playing I just got bored and I give him back the mask. He put it on his face and then he teleport to his house. I search for his chakra signature and immediately I am next to him in his apartment. He hisses a little then shows me a room. I stay a little looking on the white walls, feeling trapped like a rat in a cage. I don't like this, it's humiliating and insulting. Enough is enough. I transform myself into another girl. I look like a 10 years old with long white hair and strange eyes, like a cute doll. I jump out on the window, breathing in the fresh cold air. Let's see what we got here.
Okey that's it for the first chapter. Hope that you like it! Don't forget to vote, comment and share ^ω^

ฅ'ω'ฅ-edited 15th of March 2019
-written 15th of December 2015

The Secret Anbu (Naruto Fanfic) ×EDITING×Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora