Chapter 30. From now

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I was still in Madara's arms. He was still kissing me or just glaring into my eyes with a lovely look. The small amount of light that was in this room was perfect to let me see him. I could read how much pain he still has in his heart.
"I.." I agreed to say, but the words won't get out of my mouth.
I wanted to say how much I love him, but I couldn't. I wanted to tell him that I missed him, that I wanted to fucking die for him to live, that I'm so sorry that I didn't bring him back to life, that now I hate myself because I let my family go... I want to say all those things, but I'm afraid of hearing them. I can't take so much on, but still this desire was hard to restrain So I slowly undo the transformation. Now a lot of tattoos were showed on my skin, and when I say a lot I mean it. They were all over my body, two huge on my abdomen and back, eight on the arms, wists, legs, ankles. A lot of them, like twelve, on my hands and fingers, two on each shoulder, and one small tattoo behaind my hair, on the back of my neck. And there were some blue marks on my face. They usually appear when I use a lot of chakra and my body need some time to take it from another things. That was my appearance, but Madara do the same. He had a lot of tattoos, maybe less than me, but still a lot. Yeah we looked just like freaks, but every one of the tattoos has a meaning. We've done them together, and they were just perfect. It was a symbol of our love.

*Madara's point of view*

I look again in her eyes and I feel like I'm falling in love again. Those full lips were still so kissable. Those cute sparkling eyes, her pale thin skin, her rosy cheeks. Her beautiful long hair. I still remember how I used to play with it L and I always finished by messing it up and Chiyoko would just yell at me, but eventually kiss me again and let me brush it. She was still the same. Oh man, she's always the same, it's just us that change. I hold her in my arms again. I already know how much she hate seeing me fighting, how she always tells me that I shouldn't fight and let her take it all, but how can I let such a small tiny girl to fight when I can still protect her. I still know how it feels to have her with you... But we're at the war. Some of us would probably die today or tomorrow. Maybe me, but I know that not her. She can't die.

*Psst. There is a secret part. Check out the other story*

I stay with her for some seconds and then she kissed me again. There was a pure kiss, still full of desire with her original moves and craziness. I don't regret a second spent with her. How she was in love with that Senju jerk, but still run with me. How she always support me when I was supposed to be the first hokage. How she was just right to me everytime smiling and giving me a headache with her funny small thing that she has done and I don't appreciate enough. How she hold my children...
Now it hit me. Where are they?
" Chiyoko! Where are Akuma and Tengu? "
I saw her smile die and she got up looking real pale when I mentioned the name of our children.
" Ak-a.. Akuma? And Tengu? " a small tear rolled on her cheek and she reap them off her face and smiled really really broken.
" I killed them."
I feel how there is no next second. How my breath slowly die and my heart skip a bit or... Maybe more...

*Chi's point of view *

I never thought that a person can be this shocked. I mean I saw this type of emotion like.. Always, but now Madara was more like dead inside. My lips were trembling and I tried to put my hand on his cheek but he caught my arm. He actives his sharingan and stared deep into my eyes. His hands were ice cold and he wasn't moving an inch. He tightens the grip of my hand till the bood can't reach my fingers. I could say a thing. I know that this is all my fault. I let them die. I was there and watched them slowly loosing their breath, but still I was useless. They were old, but maybe not old enough.
Madara realised that he was hurting me and let go of my hand. He wanted to say something, but couldn't.
"I... "
" Why did you do it? "
"Is there really a reason?"
" YES! There must be one. You loved them, you couldn't do that."
He really believes in me. He really does! And here I am disappointing him. Hurting him. Killing all the good things in him.
" There is nothing. They were old. And all of this happened in this house. They begged me not to let them die, and I wanted to, but I couldn't. 'He' came and hold me back. He didn't let me do it. They were suffering. And there was the chance to... To give them a painless death. I had to.. I had to kill them. And you know what's funny. That I was so hurt, hit they just smiled and thank me."
I was crying remembering how all those things happened. Akuma was our daughter that was a veritable Uchiha and Tengu was her twin brother, that was just like me, but had Madara's determination. I can remember so clearly how motivated were they when their father proposed to sign them at the academy. How they became great ninja, two of the most powerful ones that could be hokages. But then Madara died and I was still young. They were older then me, and tried to ask me to give them this immortal life, but I knew that I couldn't condemn them to this life. And there it came the moment when they were almost 65 years, but still helped the village. They were sent in a special mission and said that they can handle it, but when they came home they were at their last breath, in great pain from the wounds that the enemy made and I tried to stop this from happening, but... I couldn't. I just cut off their pain, by killing them in one second.
Madara was trying to guess what happened. His last wish was to make them just like me, powerful and immortal. I couldn't make it true. He stared at the blank wall for a second and one small tear rolled on his cheek. He gently pushed my head on his chest and hugged me.
"It's okey. I understand. "
He was so strong. I was there crying and breaking myself in little pieces, and he was just holding it, surpassing it, trying to make me feel better. He got up and kissed the top of my head.
"You don't have to cry. This time I'll be there for you. " then he got out of this dimension, back to the war. I let the time to do his job again, but I wanted to stay here a little longer.

Hei lovely people. In the picture should be a version of Madara and Chi. Kind of messed up chapter, yeah sorry. Oh and now it hit me. Many people maybe don't know how they should pronounce Chi's name so here is a small tip, don't know if it very much, but still. Chi is like chee from cheese, but the 'e' is short. And sorry but I can't explain how you should pronounce Chiyoko. Or wait... 'Chi' like the beginning of cheese, 'yo' from yo-yo and ko like 'Co' from 'collar bone'. Just to remember you : Last chapter so now I'll stop posting chapters till I reach the old numbers at views, votes and comments. Yeah so hope to see ya soon.

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